Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Buying Worry-Free Acne Cleansers

When you reach the age of puberty, you can’t do anything to escape from different skin problems. Having a clean and clear skin is an accomplishment. That is why most of us consider maintaining a skin regimen important.

If your skin is prone to acne, your cleansing routine is far more than important, you consider it already necessary. Dermatologist has discovered a lot of amazing breakthroughs when treating different kinds of skin problems.

With the advancement of technology, acne problems can be cured without undergoing painful surgeries. However, these might be costly. That’s why other people choose using gentle skin cleansers in treating this kind of skin problem so as to avoid irritation. By doing so, it would forbid further breakouts to come.

People thought acne is caused by unclean skin and it can be cured by massive cleansing. But acne is not a result of having poor hygiene and over scrubbing your face could even create more irritation on your skin.

Factors Causing Acne

1. Acne is sometimes a result of active sebaceous glands. This type of gland is connected to a hair follicle that produces sebum, it is a kind of oily substance in which if it is trapped in a hair follicle will produce blemishes.

2. Abnormal multiplication of natural occurring bacteria will clog the hair follicles and will cause acne.

3. Shedding of dead skin too quickly will cause harsh irritation and may result as well to acne. In the same way, a release of contaminated provocative substances through your skin will also cause acne.

There are many anti-acne products being manufactured nowadays. Each of which claims that they give 100% satisfaction on getting rid your acne problems. The only problem is which of these products would give the best result leaving your skin more radiant and fairer. That’s why it’s necessary to take into considerations the following guidelines before buying an acne cleanser.

1. Identify what type of skin you have. Having an oily skin, you should prefer using a gel-based type of product and having a dry skin, you should prefer using a cream. Others have a combination of both types. In this condition, you have to know what would be appropriate to apply in the affected area. If your acne burst in the oily part of your skin, use the gel-based or the other way around.

2. Check the sensitivity of your skin. If you have a sensitive skin, you’ll need a product that has low concentration of its active ingredient. This would avoid excessive drying of the inflicted area.

3. Read the direction on how to use the product. Don’t over do things. Apply only the medication on the skin wherein it is prone to acne or there is already acne present.

Tips on How to Wash Your Face before Applying Acne Cleansers

1. When you’re searching for a facial cleanser, look for the product that say “oil free” and “non-acne irritating”. You may also try using medications that goes with a cleanser. This kind of treatment, often times, works best.

2. Don’t over wash your face. It can cause irritation. Washing your face twice a day (when you wake up and before you sleep) is at most recommended.

3. Use your hands when washing your face. Using washcloth could irritate your skin more. Scrubbing your face is not needed. Washing alone will not solve your acne problems for it didn’t come from dirt.

4. Never rub dry your face. This would also irritate your skin. Consider gentle pat drying. Always remember that the more you irritate your skin, the more breakouts would come out.

5. After doing this routine, you’re now ready to apply your prescribed medication on your face.

About the Author:
Dave Poon is an accomplished writer who specializes in the latest in Skin Treatment. For more information regarding Acne Cleansers please drop by at
Article Submitted On: October 30, 2006
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Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Back Acne - A 'What You Need To Know' Guide

Back acne – you might not see it, but if you have it, you'll certainly feel it. And although not everyone will get acne on their backs, this condition is common enough to have earned the nickname, 'bacne'. Sounds funny but it isn't really. The back area is home to thousands of sebaceous glands and each one is busy producing a lot of oil. Tight-fitting clothing and clothing made from fabrics that don't allow the skin to breathe are two of the biggest instigators of back acne. Even wearing a backpack has been attributed to triggering bouts of back acne.

These types of clothing and accessories trap the oil that's being constantly produced by the sebaceous glands on the back. And just like the acne that appears on other parts of the body, when the sebaceous gland gets clogged, dead skin cells become trapped inside the hair follicles and soon, bacteria is on its way, inflaming the tissues surrounding the affected areas and causing acne.

Any type of acne can appear on the back including whiteheads and blackheads, pustules (the surface type), papules (a bit deeper) or the acne can form deep in the skin and cause acne cysts. Back acne doesn't seem to be triggered by hereditary, stress or a poor diet, but long hair has been known to aggravate the pores on the back. If you have long hair and back acne, you might want to keep your hair off your back.

Back Acne Treatments

The skin that covers the back is much thicker than the skin that covers the other parts of the body where acne is prone to appear. And because of this difference in skin thickness, the treatment regime for 'bacne' is going to be different.

It's still very important to keep the back clean and the best way is to bathe or shower frequently, especially after working out. Use a cleanser that contains salicylic or glycolic acid. If you've never used one before, now is the time to learn how to gently use a loofah so you can begin removing those dead skin cells (also known as exfoliating).

After washing and drying the skin, apply a topical product that contains benzoyl peroxide to the areas on the back that are affected by acne and be sure to allow the product to fully absorb into the skin (it can stain clothing). Also, it's important to only treat the areas that have acne, rather than slathering the product all over the back. You don't want the skin on your back to become excessively dry. If you dry out the skin, you'll have to moisturize and that could cause more acne. If you cannot reach the affected areas, have someone apply the product for you.

That's all you really need to treat back acne. Most people don't wash their backs as well as they should so changing this bad habit will produce almost immediate results. Of course if your back acne is severe, you should consult with a dermatologist.

About the Author:
John Wellington is from providing people suffering from acne with quick, relevant and free acne resources that they can download and take away with them for easy reference.
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Tuesday, August 28, 2007

How The Kidney, Lungs, And Lymphatic System Keep You Acne Free

The kidney

The purpose of the two kidneys is to filter the water in your blood as the blood passes through the kidneys. About 4 gallons of water are filtered every day but only around 3 pints are pulled out as urine.

Alcohol and sugar are the most damaging to the kidney since they kill kidney cells and weaken the kidney function.

Water is the major way the body keeps toxins from accumulating in the body and skin. You need to drink plenty of clean water daily so the kidneys can remove toxins and excess nutrients, vitamins, and minerals from the blood.

When you drink plenty of water, the skin does not have to act as a filter to filter out excess waste from the blood since it is been filter and excreted, as urine, by your kidney.

Water also is needed to keep your skin moist. Water in the skin layers helps to protect the skin from bacteria and toxins that try to pass into your skin.

The more fresh juices you drink and the more fruit or vegetables you eat, the less water you need to drink. All juices contain plenty of distilled water, which contributes to your daily water requirement.

Drinking sodas and other drinks that have sugar cannot be counted as water.

The Lungs

You have two large sacs that are called your lungs. As you breathe in air, the lungs pull oxygen out of the air, which is captured by your blood, routed to your liver, moved into your heart and then moved into all parts of your body.

As you breathe out, waste and carbon dioxide are pushed out through your mouth.

Your cells use oxygen to create energy for you to live by. You need energy for every movement your body does. Oxygen is also used to neutralize toxins, waste and pathogen. The more toxins, acid waste and pathogens you have in your body, the more oxygen is used up to neutralize them. This means you will have less oxygen for cell, organ and other body functions.

If the other elimination channels are weak and overloaded, the lungs will also become overloaded trying to get rid of toxic waste the other channels cannot get rid of.

When your lungs become overloaded with toxins or become weak, more waste stays in the body, making your body more toxic, acidic and susceptible to disease and infections. If you have kidney weakness, liver weakness, lung weakness mostly likely you will have skin disorders like eczema, psoriasis, acne, and many other types of skin disorders.

Lymphatic System

The lymphatic system is part of your immune system. It consists of a series of tubes, large and small, that cover your entire body. Through these tubes flow a whitish liquid called lymph. Since this system does not have a pump, the lymph is pushed through the tubes by your body’s movement or exercise.

Lymph liquid surrounds all of your body cells and is responsible for bringing nutrients to your cells from the blood and to move away toxins that come out of the cells.

Toxins and pathogens that are in your lymph liquid are moved into lymph nodes. In the lymph nodes, this toxic matter is neutralized into harmless chemicals and then moved into the blood and are eliminated through the other channels of elimination.

The lymph liquid is composed of electrolyte minerals such as sodium, potassium, calcium phosphorus, and chloride. So strong lymph liquid is built when you eat fruits and vegetables.

When the lymph nodes become overwhelmed with toxic waste from the cells and the blood, they become inflamed and cannot keep the body free of toxic matter.

Excess toxic waste accumulates in the lymph liquid when your body does not have enough electrolyte minerals to neutralize this toxic acid waste. Now, your body is a considered acid and will have a difficult time fighting infections wherever they occur, including your face.

When you lymph system becomes weaken, it is unable to detoxify toxins and routes them into the blood where the liver is expected to clean the blood.

Keeping you lymph system strong is important for keeping your skin free of blemishes, skin disorders, eczema and acne.

About the Author:
Rudy Silva has a degree in Physics and is a Natural Nutritionist. He is the author of Constipation, Acne, Hemorrhoid, and Fatty Acid ebooks. He writes a newsletter call "" More acne hints and information on his acne e-book can be found at:
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Sunday, August 26, 2007

Acne Treatment Is A Priority Among Americans

Americans spend millions of dollars each year on the acne treatment and prevention. Next to weight loss, acne treatment is one of the most addressed medical concerns of our time. As with weight loss there are as many myths and misinformation about effective treatments as there are truths. The amazing thing about acne is that it is treatable in most people. There are many kinds of medications out there to treat acne ranging from over the counter varieties to those that are deeply and thoroughly watched and regulated. The hard part for most is finding the happy balance between what will work most effectively not only to treat existing acne but also to prevent further outbreaks.

Some common over the counter acne medications include the following active ingredients: Benzoyl Peroxide, Salicylic Acid, Sulfur, and Resorcinol. While you may try one and find it ineffective it is best to try all of the active ingredients before ruling them out all together as effective treatments for your acne problems. If you have tried all of these and found that nothing effectively treats and prevents your acne problems, it is time to see a doctor and find out what he might have in store for you.

Once you've seen a doctor, you might be surprised to find that his first course of action will often to be to try another topical treatment rather than resorting first to harsh chemicals or drugs. Oral contraceptives and antibiotics taken orally are also common and often effective treatments for acne. Occasionally there's an acne problem that goes beyond traditionally prescribed acne treatments and will require harsher medications that carry with them significant risks in order to treat. This type of treatment should be a last ditch effort and reserved only for the most severe acne cases.

The name of this severe but highly effective acne treatment is Accutane (the brand name). This drug has the potential for very serious side effects to all who take it with the riskiest side effects being to those who may become pregnant. There are extreme measures taken in order to avoid pregnancy while taking this drug and women of childbearing capabilities are carefully monitored during the entire duration of their treatment with this medication and for a brief period of time after the treatment ends. Beyond the risks of sever birth defects to unborn babies, the health risks to otherwise healthy adults can be quite severe. This is a treatment that should only be entered into by someone who has been adequately informed of all the risks associated with this treatment and will be closely monitored throughout the process. The one resounding benefit of this drug is that it has been known in many cases to completely cure even acute cases of acne. This is not a drug that will fix all acne problems and as I mentioned it carries with it high risks, but it is by far one of, if not the most successful acne treatments on the market today.

Whether your acne problem is mild to moderate or severe and potentially disfiguring, there are many treatment options available. It is very important that you find the acne treatment that not only works best for you but fits within your lifestyle. No treatment will be effective if it sits unused in your medicine cabinet.

About the Author:
Melvin Ng
For more info on acne treatment, natural acne cure, etc, please visit our website. Acne Treatment
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Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Top 10 Causes Of Acne

Here’s my top ten list of the causes of acne. I hope that from the list you can identify what might be causing your acne.

Your hormone levels fluctuate at different stages of your life, such as puberty and pregnancy.

Acne can occur if your body contains more toxins than the kidneys can remove.

If you are under any sort of stress this can give you acne.

Your own oil glands can produces excess of sebum. This can accumulate and cause blocked pores.

Food can significantly affect your acneYou should avoid foods that have been processed or refined. You should also reduce your intake of fried foods and foods containing a high level of sugar.

If your make-up contains comedogenic ingredients this can lead to acne. Such ingredients are usually derived from petroleum. Make-up can also contain dyes than can contribute towards acne.

Yes, smoking can increase your risk of acne. If you need another reason to quit smoking here it is.

If your skin toner contains acetone or alcohol this will lead to the drying of your skin and this could cause acne.

Cleaning with soaps that contain chemicals such as detergent and fragrances will cause acne.

Although sun bathing seems to initially improve your acne, it actually dries your skin which leads to more acne.

About the author:
Copyright Susan Ferguson 2005
If you would like to know more about acne cures, treatments and products please visit
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Saturday, August 18, 2007

Your Acne Attitude

Acne dragging you down? Your acne problem is more than just an acne problem. To some extent, you make it what it is by the way you react to it. In other words, no two people have the same experience with acne, even if they have the same symptoms, because responses to the acne problem differ from person to person. And then again, the way you respond has a lot to do with your total experience with acne.

Buck up! It is only acne! For example, if you have a flippant, do not care attitude to your acne problem, chances are that you will not let it get you down. On the other hand, if you really allow your acne to upset you, you are likely to feel much worse about the problem, and may also build up stress. This in turn could prevent you from dealing effectively with your acne.

Be well informed about your acne. There are a number of factors that can affect your attitudes towards your acne problem. The most dangerous of these is the possibility that you may be misinformed about the nature of acne as a condition, and that you may believe facts that are simply not true. As a result, you may be ready to accept that acne is caused by eating fatty food or by dirt and grime.

Dissected further, it would be truer to say that keeping the skin clean would be good for general health and for the health of the skin itself. Acne would be less likely to develop when the skin is healthy.

Check out the facts about your acne. Go a step further and you may find yourself believing that scrubbing will get rid of your acne. This would in fact be disastrous, because skin that has been affected by acne is extremely sensitive and needs to be carefully handled. Scrubbing would actually make matters much worse by torturing the skin. It would also disturb any eruptions of acne, which could burst and spread the infection that was earlier contained within a cyst or lesion.

As far as greasy food is concerned, the fact is that food, greasy or otherwise, has nothing to do with acne. However, grease on the skin can clog pores and attract dirt, causing the pores to get infected. These conditions could ultimately result in the development of acne.

Media menace promise instant cures for acne. In the same way, there are various social attitudes that filter through. Advertisements play a major part in publicizing the attraction of having a perfect skin, citing cases of movie stars etc. Such gimmicks can play on our insecurities and have us believe that perhaps the advertisements are right.

Acne and peer pressure. Children in high school are particularly vulnerable to the information or misinformation they receive on the subject of acne. Because they are at an age when they are conscious of their appearance, they are ready to give in to peer pressure and go along with whatever they hear. The trouble is that what they are being told can sometimes do more harm than good.

Acne is upsetting - offer support as parents. It is therefore important for parents to offer the wisdom of their experience and put their children on the right track before they do something bizarre in the quest for a perfect skin. Parents should be aware of how acne develops, so that they can pass on this knowledge to their children and prevent them from going to extremes.

They may also be able to help their children realize that their acne is normal and should be treated as such, and that the development of acne is no tragedy. Adolescents and young adults could face their acne with confidence and the knowledge that in time, it would pass off, as long as they handled it right.

About the Author:
Louise Forrest has created the ultimate FREE Health & Beauty guide. Find out how you can gain access to FREE articles, tips and techniques at Learn how you can help treat your acne at
Article Submitted On: October 25, 2006
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Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Acne Myths And The Perceptions They Cause

The following article lists some simple, informative tips that will help you have a better experience with acne.

Acne is truly one serious worry of most teenagers and young adults as well in every part of the country. It's certainly an obstacle to fully enjoy what life offers during your youthful years. It ruins your confidence to say and do what you want. It can even affect a person's relationship towards his/her loved ones and on other people. However, we have several ways to choose from to exterminate this acne. The good news is that you don't have to go that too far in searching for your remedies! There are so many home treatments for acne right there! And, you can surely find some of them in your kitchen or garden. If not, the nearest store will surely have one non-prescriptive product for you! You should know that there is no way that you can lose in your fight against this unwanted skin disorder. Home treatments for acne will surely leave you worry-free!

Do-It-Yourself home treatment for your acne

You might think that treating acne requires you to see and consult for prescription. Well, you can actually treat it by yourself! You can find solutions right in your home or garden! Applying toothpaste in your acne and letting it stay overnight is just one and actually the most common home treatment for acne most people do. You can also try a variety of paste or mask that are great options made from different plant species. You can choose from applying salt and vinegar solution, lime, ripe tomatoes, methi (fenugreek) leaves, lemon, dried basil leaves, mint juice, cucumber, corn flour and egg white, sandalwood, roasted and powdered pomegranate, ground radish, oatmeal, almond powder, honey, ground orange peel, nutmeg and milk, turmeric and tender neem, ground sesame seeds, papaya, and drumstick pods and leaves. Truly natural home treatments for acne!

This kind of home treatment for acne should be applied on the face or other affected areas. Leave it for 15 minutes to an hour and wash with warm water. It only requires you to apply once or twice everyday. You will notice that your face have less oil and zits are gradually decreasing in number, proofs that the home treatments for acne are working to cure your acne. Use it until you see satisfying results. Most application, however, might require you to take it for about 15 days. But, you can actually use some of these home treatments for acne everyday to prevent acne from coming back.

On the other hand, a mixture of honey and cinnamon powder as a home treatment for acne requires you to stay it overnight and wash it the next day. Moreover, you can choose between strawberry leaves or garlic as direct application on your acne-affected areas.

It seems like new information is discovered about something every day. And the topic of Acne is no exception. Keep reading to get more fresh news about Acne.

Truthfully, the only difference between you and acne experts is time. If you'll invest a little more time in reading, you'll be that much nearer to expert status when it comes to acne.

Across-the-counter products

If you think that it would be better to choose ready-made products as home treatments for acne or you just don't have time to prepare home-made pastes or masks, you can go straight to shops where you can buy what we usually know as "across-the-counter" products. Benzoyl peroxide lotion is one of the most commonly used drug as a home treatment for acne. It actually helps to dry the skin and shed the layer of dead skin.

Another dependable home treatment for acne is the cleanser. You should know that you are producing excess oil that greatly contributes on the appearance of acne. Washing your face with an unscented cleanser twice a day will give your skin with just right amount of oil to make your skin moisturize.

It is worth following

Following some tips on preventing and lessening the harm brought by acne is another good move. You should not wait for acne to appear before you actually cure it. The best way of getting rid of it is to prevent it from coming out in the first place. One thing besides keeping your face free from excess oil is to avoid pricking and squeezing your zits. This habit will just worsen your problem on acne. Let nature and time heal for you and you'll see wonder results! You should also refrain from using products that can bring harm in your face. These include products with high percentage of isopropyl alcohol.

About the Author:
Elleyne VanBryce the webmaster of, a health resource directory. Since acne is such a prevalent and unsightly problem she has put this information together just for you, a fellow acne sufferer. Read more about acne and what to do in "Acne Cured" at and in her new book
Submitted: 2006-10-26
Article Source: GoArticles

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Acne and Vitamin Supplements

Since the majority of the worlds population suffer from acne at some point in their lives, there is no surprise that such efforts are invested in finding out how to it. While there have been some definitive answers on whether acne is hormonally induced (yes), and what can be done to prevent it (prescription drugs, certain herbal remedies, etc), there are still many unknown factors that cause acne.

However, of all the many acne questions that science is yet to find answers to, the most controversial is whether or not diet has an effect on acne.

Historically, diet was thought to be linked to acne. Doctors and housewives alike believed that a high fat content in ones diet would cause an oilier complexion, and this in turn would create acne breakouts.

However, as time went on, science found no directly link between a diet high in lipids (fat), and acne. Since acne is caused by a bacterial growth in sebum trapped in clogged pores, there is no such thing as “extra oil secretion”. So, for at least the last 15 years, western medicine has claimed there is no connection between diet and acne.

However, a study conducted in 1997 has rekindled the flame in the “diet causes acne” argument, and this time, with a bit more heat.

This study, conducted by Dr. Lit Hung Leung, states that Acne breakouts are because the body cannot create enough of Coenzyme A to break down the fatty acids that create sebum. The reason is, Coenzyme A is probably the single most needed enzyme in the body. This Coenzyme-A is what synthesizes sex hormones, and what breaks down fatty acids.

The only part of Coenzyme-A that the body does not produce itself is vitamin B5. So, if there is a shortage of B5, there is a shortage of Coenzyme-A. And if there is a shortage of Coenzyme-A, the body will use it to synthesize sex hormones, not break down fatty acids.

So, you can see where this is going…more fatty acids, more sebum production, more acne.

Now, the interesting thing is that Dr. Lit Hung Leung substantiated this claim by testing it on 100 people. The group took 10 grams or more per day of pantothenic acid ( B5 ), and used a B5 topical cream of 20% by weight. After 2-3, sebum production was reduced, and many people with acne noticed a reduction. For those with more extreme acne, a higher dosage of B5 was used (approx. 15-20 grams per day), and treatment was prolonged to see an effect, sometimes up to 6 months.

So, while one study does not definitively prove whether B5 can prevent or reduce acne, it may well be worth considering, particularly for those who want a natural or herbal cure for acne, and do not want to use chemicals such as benzoyl peroxide, or other prescription acne treatments.

As with any medical treatment, it is best to consult a doctor before trying a B5 regimine.

About the Author:
Kerwin Chang writes for where you can find out more about acne and other skin care topics.
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Thursday, August 09, 2007

Home Remedies for Acne, Arthritis, Backache, Cold, Constipation, Obesity & more

Fed up from the side effects of the drugs, people are now shifting towards alternative therapies for the cure and treatment of common problems. Home remedies are one of the alternative methods that have been proven inexpensive and can be easily made at home without many efforts. Since ages our ancestors were using these home remedies for the treatment of diseases but the latest inventions and discoveries in the field of medicines darkened the benefits of these home made treatments. In the recent times the people have again shifted towards these home remedies.

Home Remedies for Acne, Arthritis, Asthma, Anaemia, Backache, Common Cold, Constipation, Eczema, Hair Loss, High Blood Pressure, Indigestion, Obesity, Sore Throat, Stress.

Home remedies for some of the most common diseases and problems are:


Application of cucumber leaves or grated pieces of cucumber to the affected areas.

Paste of fenugreek leaves applied overnight on the affected area and washed off next morning is also effective.

Mix one tablespoon of besan flour and one teaspoon of lemon juice till a smooth paste is formed. Apply on neck and face and wash off when it gets dry.


Drink a glass of cold milk to get quick relief from acidity.

Drink a glass of water with a teaspoon of baking soda for immediate relief.

Chewing bubble gum will also provide relief from acidity in few minutes.


With an empty stomach take 3-4 walnuts (akhrot) or 1 fresh coconut.

Spread warm mustard oil on a madar leaf and apply to the affected area for a few hours .

Drink some radish juice with sugar added to it.


Drink a cup of black coffee, the warmth will break up the flem and the caffeine will help to remove tightness from the chest and throat.

Add 30-40 leaves of tulsi in one liter of water, strain the leaves and drink the water throughout the day.


Eat 2-3 apples daily without peeling to increase the iron stores in the body.

Intake of beet juice is highly beneficial for the anemic person’s.


Drink some hot milk or water with powdered sonth, meetha soda, and salt.

Massage the back with turpentine oil.

For temporary and quick relief heat can be applied at the back with hot water bottle.

for Natural Home Remedies for Various Ailments, Diet, Lifestyle, Causes and Symptoms and Natural Herbal Remedies and Treatment by Herbs

Common cold

Drink a cup of water with a few drops of garlic oil and a teaspoonful of onion juice.

Rub the chest and throat with camphor water or oil.

Drink honey and lemon juice in hot water to get relief from sore throat.


Drink a tablespoon of corn syrup in a cup of water.

Drink a glass of prune juice to facilitate bowel movement.

Drinking a cup of coffee will also provide relief from constipation.


Mix one teaspoon of camphor and one teaspoon of sandalwood to form a paste and apply on the affected e areas.

Drinking Aloe Vera juice will help cleanse the system.

Hair loss

Wash hair with peppermint or spearmint tea to prevent hair loss and to promote hair growth .

Wash hair with white vinegar periodically to prevent falling of hair.

High blood pressure

Mix half onion juice and half honey. Take 2 tablespoons once a day for 1-2 weeks.

Eat two cloves of garlic every early morning.

Eat one Papaya on an empty stomach daily for a month.

High blood cholesterol

Drinking onion juice daily for a week will lower the blood cholesterol.

Eat a few garlic cloves every day to reduce blood cholesterol.


Drink aloe vera juice, papaya juice, or chamomile, comfrey, red raspberry, or peppermint tea.

Drinking a glass of water with a tablespoon of baking soda will provide immediate relief.


Eat 10 fresh curry leaves in the early morning for three or four months.

Drink a cup of water with 3 teaspoons limejuice, one-fourth teaspoon powdered black pepper, and a teaspoon of honey every day for three months.

Eat freshly sliced tomatoes with onion and lemon juice.

Drink lemon juice with honey and warm water every morning.

Sore throat

Gargle every hour with vinegar water or salt water.

Drink hot milk with honey at bedtime for immediate relief from sore throat.

A teaspoon of honey will provide relief from sore throat.


Chewing 12 tulsi leaves twice a day, morning and evening is the highly beneficial treatment of stress.

Various seeds such as alfalfa, sunflower and pumpkin are highly beneficial in the treatment of stress.

The use of these home remedies is highly effective and causes no side effects on one’s physical body.

About the Author:
Visit for Natural Home Remedies for Various Ailments, Diet, Lifestyle, Causes and Symptoms and Natural Herbal Remedies and Treatment by Herbs
Checkout Home Remedies at
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Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Prevention Is Time-Tested Prescription For Acne

The American Academy of Dermatology has revealed that taking pains to have a clear, blemish-free complexion should no longer be considered vanity. Rather, people should see it as a preventive measure for the most common skin disorder affecting some 20 million people worldwide---- acne.

Acne vulgaris is predominantly a genetic disease that involves the skin’s sebaceous (the oil-producing) glands. It is characterized by both non-inflammatory lesions (blackheads and whiteheads) and inflammatory lesions (papules, pustules and nodules). It usually appears on the face but it also occurs on the neck, upper arms, back and legs. Acne generally begins at puberty and may continue throughout one’s adult life due to higher levels of sebum or oil that is produced by the body as one matures.

Those who have oily skin are more prone to pimple or acne which is why proper care must be exercised. Acne, when mishandled or mistreated, will develop to more serious problems like embarrassing scars that are oftentimes difficult to treat.

But pimples or acne can be prevented. All it takes is a professionally-prescribed or traditionally-approved beauty regimen that is religiously followed.

Caring for the skin

Acne can be controlled by developing a good skin regimen. Washing the face with clean warm water and mild soap or facial wash will cleanse the skin, but dermatologists usually recommend products that are “non-comedogenic” as these do not clog the pores that may cause irritation to the skin.

For dry skin, apply a moisturizer to retain the skin’s moisture. This will also ensure a smoother feel and easier glide when applying make-up.

Eat a hefty amount of Vitamin A and E-rich foods. These vitamin food groups are the skin’s best friend. Drink lots of water, too.

Lead a healthy lifestyle. Give your skin the chance to rest especially at night when cell renewal is at its highest level.

Get professional advice

Avoid self-medication when dealing with skin problems. Consult a dermatologist and follow their advice. Remember that a dermatologist has less of a vested reason to guide your skin care program unlike the woman working behind a cosmetics counter.

Caring for the skin is a must since when the skin is given little attention, it shows.

About the Author:
Mildred Donato Villapando earned her bachelor's degree in Broadcast Communication at Centro Escolar University Manila. She was a media practitioner for 5 years, covering mostly political beats. She now works as a copywriter for a topnotch PR firm in the Philippines.
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Sunday, August 05, 2007

Acne Products - Natural Treatments

Natural acne treatments take time to do the job, but the effects are usually longer lasting. The best treatment for acne is finding a natural cure because you will not have any side effects. Acne is a disease involving the sebaceous glands, these glands get clogged and can result in pustules, papules, and eventually comedones.

A good place to start treating acne is your diet. Tweaking your diet a little to include vegetables and fruits is a great acne treatment. Skin reflects what is happening inside the body. You should stay away from junk and processed food as there is evidence they can cause acne to worsen.

There are some vitamins that can be used to help with acne outbreaks. They are; Vitamin A, Vitamin E, You should also be sure to choose a multi-vitamin that contains Pantothenic Acid. Pantothenic Acid is very beneficial to the skin. These vitamins can also prevent scars caused by acne.

If you have an outbreak there are a few natural cures you could try. A paste of sandalwood and fresh basil leaves on the face has been shown to produce good results. You should also wash your face with witch hazel each night before bed. Witch hazel is available at any pharmacy and most supermarkets. Drinking enough water is also beneficial in your fight with acne. The water helps the body to cleanse all impurities, including those in the skin.

About the Author:
Tim Grimsley
If there is a need for you to seek a medicated treatment, there plenty of great products available. you can research any of them right here online...CONTINUE
Article Submitted On: October 29, 2006
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Saturday, August 04, 2007

7 Acne Creams That Actually Work

People who have acne would give anything to get rid of it; no wonder acne control products are so popular. But how would you determine which products work and which don't? What is the difference between them all? The truth is that the difference is mostly packaging and marketing strategy to promote a particular product. Majority of acne creams have similar ingredients, some stronger some milder. Here we list 7 acne creams that actually work.

1. DDF BP Gel also includes Tea Tree Oil

DDF BP Gel contains 5 percent benzoyl peroxide. Benzoyl peroxide works well to treat acne, and 5 percent is a mild but effective concentration. This cream also contains tea tree oil. Tea tree oil is generally beneficial for your skin, and it fights acne as well. It has antibacterial properties that help prevent acne breakouts. Most people who use this cream notice that their skin feels better after a week of applying the cream. It is effective to cure acne and it doesn't dry your skin out.

2. Acne Solutions Emergency Gel Lotion by Clinique

This product has many positive customer reviews. It really helps to fight acne that keeps reappearing. It unclogs pores filled with bacteria and controls oil production on your skin. You will see reduced redness and inflammation in just a few days. Clinique Acne Solutions is a strong cream with high concentration of benzoyl peroxide. One disadvantage - it is more expensive than other acne control products.

3. Persa Gel by Johnson and Johnson

Works very effectively to treat present acne spots and to prevent feature breakouts of blackheads and whiteheads. This product also contains benzoyl peroxide; the concentration of it is 10 percent. This is the highest concentration allowed for non prescription acne medicine. Persa Gel is water based, so it works for all skin types. This is a very popular acne cream; you can find it in any chemist shop.

4. Blemish Double Agent Treatment from Biore

This cream is not benzoyl peroxide based; instead it protects your skin from acne by sealing in salicylic acid. It also keeps out the dirt to prevent farther inflammation. The manufacturer claims that you will see blemishes reduced after one application, most people report seeing results in 3 - 5 days. It is gentle and doesn't dry your skin.

5. Oxy 10 Balance Emergency Spot Treatment

This is a very strong acne cream that will cure the worst of acne. However, use it with care; it only should be used to cure existing acne, not as a preventive method. It also might irritate sensitive skin, so if you applied Oxy 10 and your skin feels irritated, this product is not for you.

6. Clinique Acne Solutions Concealing Cream

This cream belongs to the same line of Acne Solutions by Clinique as the gel mentioned before. This is not a medicine as such, but a make up item. Everybody who has acne knows that finding the right make up to hide it is a problem. Most foundations and concealers only make your acne worse. In contrast Acne Solutions Consealing Cream is specifically formulated for acne affected skin. It heals acne as well as hides it. If you use make up for acne, this cream works very well to conseal blemishes. But like all Clinique products it is not cheap.

7. Natural hearbal acne creams

You would be surprized but you can make some effective natural acne creams at home. One effective treatment is a mix of banana, avocado and vitamin E ointment. You can buy vitamin E concentrated cream in a chemist or order it online. To make the cream take half a tea spoon of vitamin E ointment, one small avocado and half a banana and blend them in a blender. Apply this acne remedy to your face and keep for several minutes.

Natural acne remedies work very well for some people. The only disadvantage is that you can not store them like you would do with a bought cream. For example banana and avocado cream can stay in your fredge for a day, but not much longer.

A word of caution

Acne creams are effective in getting rid of acne, but most of them have the same drawback. It makes your skin very sensative to sunlight. So when you use an acne control cream, use a good sunblock cream as well.

Try some of the acne creams we mentioned. They work effectively for most people. You don't have to live with acne on your face. With so many effective acne treatments, you surely can find acne treatment that would actually work for you.

About the Author:
Tanya Turner is an editor of Acne Treatments and Products Guide This is your comprehensive guide to treating acne. We provide reviews of acne creams , acne cleansers and prescription acne medication.
Added: 17 Oct 2006
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Friday, August 03, 2007

Acne Treatment Products For Everyone

Our face is our facade and unless you're a large breasted lady, it's usually the first thing another human being focus on when approached. It's little wonder then why acne is such a major concern for teenagers and adults alike. Acne can have a devastating affect on self esteem and particularly in the case of teenagers who are still growing and developing into young adults. And here we all are in the 21st century still trying to find that perfect acne treatment.

My nickname at school was Crater Face. I had so many zits it was a job to work out what I looked liked under them all. Even I glanced in the mirror (occasionally), and wondered what I would look like with a face without spots and puss filled bumps. Heck, I looked a mess and the acne treatment back in the early 1970's was nowhere near as advanced as it is today.

Even so, acne is still a huge problem the world over, and each case is unique which means there is yet to be any one acne treatment that serves all sufferers. The good news is there is definitely an acne treatment product out there that will hide if not heal all or most of your problematic skin given time.

I can't sympathize with acne sufferers enough. Although I'm spot-free at the ripe old age of 48 years, I still get the occasional outbreak of adult acne, and I find it just as upsetting today as I did as an adolescent. The difference between past and present is that I've learnt a bit about my particular skin condition. What this simply means is that I now know how to treat it as a result. Additionally, the over-the-shelf acne treatment products are far more fast acting than they ever were, and the pharmacists are more familiar with the problem too, which makes them more of an authority when seeking that much needed advice.

Here's a tip from an old hand; don't pick, don't poke, don't press, shove, push, tease or squeeze any of your spots. Yeah, ok, so you've heard it all before and I bet you're thinking it's just impossible sometimes not to. But the bottom line is that your face will heal quicker and have less chance of scaring if you leave it alone.

I was a real pickaholic but if I'm honest, my face always looked worse after a good squeeze session and NEVER better. Also, by trying to force blind spots to the surface will often result in pushing them deeper under the skin and they could live there and keep reoccurring for years to come, so leave the retched things alone. You'll be glad you did.

Whether you're just seeing your first ever signs of acne (and yes, this can happens with adults too!), or you've already got a face full of blackheads, whiteheads, and blemishes, you can eradicate the problem at best or vastly reduce it at worse. Don't suffer in silence. Either visit your GP, local drug store, or hop online and read up about or join a community of fellow sufferers all of who will be only to happy top freely pass on hints and tips regarding acne treatments.

About the Author:
Gary Tooth writes for where he has articles on Alcohol and Drug Treatment Programs and">Acne Blemish Treatment. He also has other 'Treatment' related pieces on the site.
Content Provider:

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Do You Have Acne?

Some people, especially teens, are unsure whether what they are experiencing can be classified as "acne." A swelling of the skin, accompanied by redness, can be caused by a number of things, not necessarily acne.

Acne is also called simply "pimples", or more scientifically, vulgaris. It is generally caused when the pores are clogged by an accumulation of fatty material from the oil gland or sebaceous gland. It is a very common phenomenon, and certainly nothing to worry about for most people.

Not all pores are affected by acne. The reason for this disparity is still a mystery. Because of the accumulation in the pores, a swell may eventually appear which is called a blackhead or whitehead. Blackheads are not caused by dirt but by the simple chemical reaction of the fatty material in the pores with the air. Oxygen causes the discoloration of the fatty material, sebum, causing a black “bump”.

Teens are not the only ones who suffer from acne, as adult acne is also common these days. Unlike teenagers' acne, adult acne is caused by changes that our skin goes through as we mature. Scars caused by acne in adults are often more severe than the scars of teens with acne. Adults are also less likely to find treatment for their acne, leaving them to suffer in silence.

Acne includes many different types, and each seems to correspond to different superstitious beliefs, causal theories, and treatments. These different treatments may work for others but not on you because of acne’s complex nature. So, don’t simply believe what your friends tell you or what the TV commercials promise regarding acne. They may be merely parroting one of the common theories or superstitious beliefs.

Although not advised, if you choose to pop or squeeze blemishes, be gentle, as harsh treatment can lead to life-long scars. The physical effects of acne are well-known, but how about the psychological effects? Teenagers with acne tend to have lower self-confidence that may lead to a feeling of isolation and awkwardness. Acne has caused much grief for people at a vulnerable age, and also much anger. Millions of people each year are afflicted by it, and it makes recluses out of many teenagers.

Acne falls into two main categories. It can be inflammatory or non-inflammatory acne. Whether you are an adult or a teen, your acne will fall to one of these categories. Whiteheads and blackheads are signs of non-inflammatory acne. Unlike non-inflammatory acne, inflammatory acne is more difficult to identify. Some symptoms of inflammatory acne may be pustules, papules, and in more severe cases, cysts or nodules.

Seek treatments once you know what category your acne falls into. Remember that if a certain treatment does not work for your acne, you can always try something else. New technology has given rise to new treatments. Researchers are now developing new treatments that may be more effective than traditional methods and drugs, and might give you the clear skin your longing for. But most of the "off-the-shelf" products in pharmacies have little or no benefit.

Another treatment which may be more effective is to avoid heavy use of grain products such as cereals, bread, corn, and pastries. Also, don’t forget to get a standard daily dose of vitamins because there is some evidence of their usefullness with acne. Still, these methods may not work for you. If your acne is serious, or you are seriously concerned about it even if it appears to be mild, consult your family doctor, or try to arrange to see a dermatologist.

About the Author:
John Brown enjoys talking and writing about health, and writes for health and wellness web sites.
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Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Acne Treatment: 7 Things You Must Know!

Let me ask you this...

Are you suffering from acne?

Do you know what is causing it and is there any effective acne treatment?

Studies show that an estimated 80 % percent of people experience acne at some point. No one knows exactly what the cause of acne is, but there are a few theories.

Let´s take a look at 7 of them:

1. Acne normally begins between the ages of eleven and thirteen.

This is true in both males and females due to changes in hormone levels. These hormones, called androgens, will enlarge the facial glands.

The oil produced by the glands is known as sebum. The hair follicles shed dead cells too quickly and the cells and sebum form a blockage in the gland.

2. Pressure and rubbing from tight garments.

Adult with acne should avoid tight-collared shirts that might irritate the acne further. Adult athletes may notice an outbreak of acne from equipment such as backpacks or athletic helmets.

3. Acne can also be caused by genetics.

Studies have shown that a family history of acne can affect whether you have acne and the severity of it. So if your mother or father had acne as a teen, chances are that it will be a contributory factor to the cause of your acne.

4. Factors linked to women

Women have several factors that men don’t that can be linked to the cause of acne. Women go through several phases of life that cause their hormone levels to change. These changes can cause acne in adult women between two and seven days before their menstrual cycle.

5. Pregnancy and hormones

Pregnant women also experience a fluctuation in hormones.

Those who may have previously had little or no acne may see pimples during their pregnancy and for a time after the birth of the baby until the hormone levels return to normal.

6. Menopause and hormones

Menopause will cause changes in hormone levels for woman and can be a cause of acne. Women also tend to wear heavy makeup when experience an acne outbreak, which only worsens the problem by further clogging pores.


Especially in adults, stress can be another cause of acne. When you are stressed, the hormone cortisol is produced.

Cortisol will worsen any acne you already have. To prevent stress-related acne, try relaxation and meditation.

Some adults experience acne from picking at blemishes on their skin. You should never pick at or squeeze a pimple, blackhead or any other blemish on your face.

This can only cause more acne and possibly an infection. When cleaning your face, avoid harsh facial cleansers(they cause the creation of more sebum) and scrubbing your face too vigorously.

Acne treatments

The sad part is that most of the acne products are sold over the counter for treatment.

Most over-the-counter acne treatments are topical and come in the form of a cream, soap, lotion or gel.

Acne products normally contain benzoyl peroxide (good for killing the bacteria and possibly reducing oil production), sulfur (helps eliminate blackheads and whiteheads) and/or salicylic acid (cuts down the speed of cell lose).

More severe cases may require prescription acne medicine that is topical or oral.

Oral acne medication can help reduce both the growth of the bacteria and inflammation of glands.

About the Author:
Robin Araoz makes a short review about Chris Gibson´s natural acne treatment. Find out how thousands of people have cured their acne in 3 days. Visit this link for details:
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Sunday, July 29, 2007

Adult Acne - How To Deal With It

We are all rather familiar with acne, we either had it, know someone who had it or are currently suffering with it. Acne affects nearly 40 million people in the United States alone. It can start anytime between the ages of 12 and 25 and when it hits, well it hits with a vengeance. A growing number of adult women in their twenties and thirties are getting adult acne, even if they never suffered with acne before. The problem with acne is that there is no known cure.

Yes we are bombarded all over the place to buy this "miracle cure" and try this "amazing product" and so often a person who is afflicted with this skin problem will hope and pray that this will be the answer that they are looking for. Just this one time this is going to be the one thing that actually does work. Then because it proves not to be the "miracle cure" they were promised they end up frustrated and disappointed.

So how does one deal with acne? More particularly how does one deal with adult acne? Well, to just give up and resign oneself to the supposed inevitable is not the answer either. You see adult acne is much like being over weight in that you don't feel good about yourself; your self esteem takes a major knock and you are convinced that when people look at you they do not see YOU but are rather focused on just the area that is riddled with acne. You hate going out in public, you do not want people to look at you because you hate looking at yourself. I know this because I have been there.

Adult acne is embarrassing. It is one thing if you were a teenager because society seems to be more accepting; it is what almost the "norm" is for teenagers. People sympathize and "tut tut" it away as just a natural process of life. I'm not taking away for one moment what teenagers go through (they have "strange" hormones to deal with on top of it all) but there seems to be a stigma attached to adult acne. People just look at you differently.

There seems to be this misconception that if you suffer from adult acne you don't wash your face and you must be dirty. Just like in the case of someone who is overweight people don't sit back and think that it may most likely be due to hormonal changes and/ or sometimes it may just be hereditary. It seems to be in people's nature to assume the worse.

Acne doesn't just lead to physical scars (which are really depressing and more damaging to the psyche) but more concerning it leads to emotional scarring. Well your choices in dealing with adult acne can be put into two categories. You can "roll over and just accept" that this is your lot in life or you can become active, take charge and find ways to help the situation. Acne may not be curable but it can be controlled and eventually you may even grow out of it.

Let's take a quick look at what acne is and once we understand how it comes about we can look at how to deal with it. Acne is generally characterized by black heads, white heads, red bumps (also known as blind pimples) and in some cases scarring. Acne is the result of overactive oil glands at the base of the hair follicles that become blocked or inflamed. It may appear anywhere on the body but it tends to be primarily on the face.

There are different forms of acne; mild inflammatory acne, moderate to severe inflammatory acne and severe acne. The problem with acne treatments is that what works for one person may not work for the next. Due to how severe your acne may be you will need to find out which is the best course of action for you. This is best done seeking the advice of your health practitioner or a dermatologist. However you can do a few things to help yourself.

As tempting as it may be DO NOT SQUEEZE OR PICK AT YOUR FACE. It may be tempting and you may just want to get rid all the spots and you think that by squeezing them all out you will be rid of it once and for all. Well if only it was that simple. It is not. The pus (and thus the germs) spreads across your face causing you more acne, or you just end up pushing the pus deeper into your skin causing more of an infection. In some cases you are left with scars. Scaring brings on a whole different level of anxiety and depression. Do not spend too much time in the sun. There seems to be this myth that the sun will "cure" your acne. The hope seems to be that it will dry up the oily glands. But how will it when the follicles are blocked? You see the sun damages your follicular walls causing further blockage and in turn more acne. The sunlight also produces free radicals in the skin which diminishes the skins ability to heal.

There has been no scientific evidence that has proven that acne and diet are related. I have read various reports saying that acne and diet are related and some say that there is no relation whatsoever. So not affirmed either way but cut down on some foods and see if it makes a difference at all. Maybe you have an allergy that aggravates the situation.

Start with the highly refined sugars and things like seafood, mushrooms and salt. Deep fried food is generally not good for your over all health and some say that it is really bad for your skin. Drink more water, water flushes your body of toxins and so in turn is a great internal way of aiming for that healthier looking skin.

Stay away from coffee. It does not matter if it has caffeine in it or not. Coffee stimulates the production of cortisol. Cortisol is a hormonal steroid that the body produces when it is under stress. (Stress does not cause acne but it certainly aggravates it) Cortisol helps our bodies maintain homeostasis during time of stress yet it causes problems when it stays is our body for a long period of time because what cortisol does is it destroys tissue, which then releases small protein molecules from the destroyed cells. These remainders of cell-protein partly end up in the skin which ends up contributing to acne. Watch out for foods packed with hormones. It does not help hormonal acne.

Interesting fact, non Westernized people did not suffer from acne until their diet changed to what we eat and then oops they joined our ranks in the acne department. The problem is that so much of our diet tends to rob us of vitamins and minerals that are essential for good healthy skin. Vitamin A has been known to be a great preventative of acne. Give it a try, eat less "junk" and more fresh fruit and vegetables high in antioxidants, there is no harm in it and maybe it will help. Remember acne is not caused by dirt and so DO Not scrub your face. It generally makes the acne worse. You aggravate the glands that produce the oil and they then produce more oil and then spread the bacterium that causes your acne around the face making it worse. Don't use a face cloth because germs tend to stick to them and then you are just smearing them all over your face. Your hands are the best thing to use and they are a lot gentler on your skin too. Smoking does not cause acne but it does make the skin look unhealthy and so much older, this is because the nicotine reduces the blood circulation to your skin. Some case studies have shown that smoking can irritate the acne, making it worse. Avoid things that rub against your skin, like collars, don't wear too much make up and when you do choose products that are oil free or are made specifically bearing acne in mind. These products would be "non-comedogenic" or "non-acnegenic." Wash your hair as often as you need to and keep it off your face. Bear in mind the following when receiving advice about your acne: Most over-the-counter acne treatments are topical and the most popular ones contain Benzoyl Peroxide. The problem is that once you stop the treatment the acne just flares up again and some people say that as the skin becomes used to it so the effectiveness of it lessens. Benzoyl Peroxide is also known to cause excessive dryness, and for some people itchiness which then further irritates the skin. It is also a bleach so be careful when using it that it does not ruin your clothes. Antibiotics tend to aim at inhibiting bacteria. The problem is bacteria are not the cause of acne. The irony is that bacteria are essential in keeping the skin flexible and inhibiting it just speeds up the aging process. Then of course it needs to be remembered that antibiotics are also well known for reducing a person's immune system.

I am not going to give you a whole list of unpronounceable names of various chemicals found in anti-acne treatments but I am going to give you a run down of what some of the side effects are. After all that is what matters most. * Liver disease (sometimes resulting in a needed transplant) * Jaundice and life threatening psuedomembranous colitis. * Autoimmune disease, acute inflammation of the lung and a blue black disclouring of your skin, mucous membranes, nails, adult teeth and Internal organs. * Benign intracranial hypertension. Early warning signs are headaches, nausea, vomiting and visual disturbances. Decreased night vision, inflammatory bowel disease, an increase in the size of your bones, raised cholesterol levels. * Heart risks * Further skin problems. As if acne is not enough you suffer too from dry skin, skin fragility, itching, nosebleeds, inflammation and cracking of lips. Eczema like rash, thinning of hair, peelings of palms and soles of feet, skin infections, gastrointestinal problems, urogenital problems and tiredness. Then to top the list off you also have things like seizures, dizziness, nervousness, insomnia, depression (as if the acne hadn't caused enough now the "cure" adds to it too) gum inflammation, arthritis and so we can go on but I think you have got the point. I am not trying to scare you off finding what can help your acne, just informing you of what some of these products may do to you. Don't loose hope, acne can be controlled and in many cases people do find what aggravates or causes it through trial and error. Don't give up and you will eventually find the solution that works best for you.

Article By: Michelle Ludick

About the Author:
Michelle Ludick lives in Johannesburg, South Africa with her husband and two small children. Her interest in health and the health of her family led to her webite Michelle sufferd from acne too and so knows first hand the anxiety and frustration that can accompany it.
Submitted: 2006-10-23
Article Source: GoArticles

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Nothing Mythical About Having Acne - Acne Myths Debunked

There are many acne myths around today. Although many of these myths have been proved wrong by scientists and dermatologists, many people still believe in these myths.

So today I’m going to debunk some of these acne myths once and for all.

Let’s start with washing. Having acne isn’t down to not washing on a daily basis (twice a day). Washing your face too much will only make your condition much worse than it already is. This is because to much washing will agitate your skin.

Second – Has anyone ever told you that chocolate will give you acne? Well they were wrong. Eating too much of “bad” foods such as chocolate or greasy foods will not make your acne worse. But if you eat this sort of food regularly, you will have poor nutrition. And this will lead to a worsening of your acne.

Just remember that these foods are life’s little luxuries. There is no harm in eating a little bit of chocolate or greasy foods now and again, but you shouldn’t live on them, okay?

Third – Stress. Please do not let stress take the blame for why you have acne. Although some people think stress is causing their acne, this isn’t true. Teenage acne is thought to be caused primarily due to hormones. But some forms of adult acne can be stress related.

Fourth – Tanning or exposure to sun will help reduce acne to some degree, but after a certain point it will makes your condition worse. It is more of a cover up than a cure. There’s no harm in catching a little sunshine, but it isn’t a cure… and in the long run, it will do more harm than good.

I hope this article has been able to dispel a few of the most common myths about what causes acne.

About the Author:
Liam Char is a former acne sufferer, who overcame his acne problem and now helps others do the same online. To find out more about acne treatments, and find the Best Acne Treatment for you, be sure to visit his blog at
Article Submitted On: October 30, 2006
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Friday, July 20, 2007

Acne: An Adult Dilemma as Well

Acne is often regarded as a major teenager's problem. Although there are several adults who also suffers from what we call “adult acne”. Adults in their twenties and beyond can still experience acne, and the negative effects of stress adds to the strain of having it pop up in their face.

Studies show that mental stress can be a major cause in developing acne for adults. Moreover, women are likely to suffer from it because they are more exposed to stress which they acquire throughout their daily lifestyle. They are also prone to hormonal imbalances, especially at times when they have their monthly menstruation and during pregnancy.

The environment is another factor in developing adult acne. If your surroundings are always dirty, most likely all the dust will be carried through the wind and eventually land on your face. If left unwashed, these dust and dirt can clog up your pores and infect them making the pore inflamed.

Just like teen acne, the best treatment that you can avail of is maintaining proper skin care and a healthy personal hygiene. Take a bath everyday, and use mild soap only so that your acne wont further develop into an infection.

Also watch out for your diet. Drink enough water and exclude from your meal some oily foods. Eat more fruits and vegetables.

Take enough sleep and rest. It will relax your skin pores and eventually prevent acne from developing.

The lifestyle of an adult is an important factor in the appearance of adult acne as well. Avoid drinking liquor, alcohol-based beverages and smoking. It will just make your face riddled with acne.

You can also take some acne medications like skin care products and skin treatments. Just see your dermatologist so that he/she can determine which treatment would be right for you.

About the Author:
Article written by Hector Milla, editor of , a website pointing proactive acne solution , visit their web log for daily news about acne at , thanks for publish this article in your website or ezine keeping a live link.
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Tuesday, July 17, 2007

TCA Skin Peel: Cost-Effective Way to Treat Acne

Acne, pimples, sunspots, age spots, wrinkles and other blemishes are skin conditions that plague people the world over. The global beauty industry already makes billions of dollars every year as women everywhere embark on quests to preserve (or achieve) a youthful, glowing appearance. Responding to this need, dermatologists, and other specialists continue to look for the best and safest possible treatments and formulations to combat skin ailments, the most common of which is acne.

Apart from the services offered at skin clinics, many creams, gels and ointments that claim to treat acne, diminish sun or age spots and enhance skin elasticity are widely available in the market. There are scrubs, cleansers, masks, over-the-counter skin medicine and skin peel formulations, all offered at various price ranges. Most can be bought at department stores or drugstores, but the fact is that very few of these so- called “miracle” products actually work. And the latest medical research has shown that what does work as a proven treatment for acne, are skin peels. Plastic surgeon Dr. Keith Leiberman explains: “Unlike other techniques, TCA skin peels get to the root of the problem with acne, resulting in tremendously effective results - leaving the patient with noticeably fresher, smoother skin and great texture…without the acne! ”

The TCA peel, or trichloroacetic acid skin peel, is recommended by many doctors and skin specialists as it is a medium-strength treatment that is among the safest, most effective, as well as easiest to use. It sloughs off layers of dull dead skin that may cover up the source of acne. It also enhances the blood flow and circulation in the skin, promoting skin cell rejuvenation and the build up of skin-strengthening collagen and elastin.

Conventional skin peel treatments that involve suction-type dermabrasion can cause further damage, as it can bruise the skin and break some small blood vessels. Those who wish to treat their acne and other skin problems with TCA can control the strength of the treatment by starting off with a weak solution and gradually working their way up to more concentrated mixtures as needed.

TCA can be mixed with other previously prepared creams such as Obagi or applied directly. It is important to remember that TCA skin peels should not exceed more than 20 minutes on one’s skin. The time limit generally depends on the strength or concentration of the mixture and the type of skin. Because of the chemical content, doctors recommend applying a neutralizer, such as a simple mixture of baking soda and water, to calm and stabilize the skin after the TCA peel is applied. Users should wait about six months before applying another treatment.

TCA peels are great for treating acne and less expensive than clinic or spa-based treatments. Websites such as offer this effective product at a fraction of the price one would normally pay per session or treatment at salons and spas. The set offered by this particular website is priced at under $30.00 and includes one ounce of medical-grade 50%-concentrate TCA skin peel (good enough for about 30 treatments) as easy-to-follow instructions by a licensed practitioner. Why pay hundreds of dollars when you can do this treatment at home? Apart from the 50%-concentrate, many suppliers also offer as low as an 8%-concentrate TCA skin peel for users with more sensitive skin.

About the Author:
David Maillie is a chemist and an alumni of Cornell University and specializes in biochemical synthesis for public, private, and governmental interests. He can be reached at M.D. Wholesale:
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Sunday, July 15, 2007

Adults Don't Get Acne! Do They?

Skin problems not only effect those in their teens, adult acne is also a very common occurrence, in today's society. Adult women are more apt to suffer from acne than men. Adult men are at higher risk in terms of permanent scaring, caused by acne problems. Contrary to what most people think, adult acne is NOT caused by improper hygiene.

In truth, acne is caused by a number of different things. Oily skin, hair ducts that do not close as they should and infection are three key factors which lead to skin problems. These factors remain the same, in both adults and teens. (How's that for thinking you wouldn't get acne, because you are an adult.)

Pimples occur when dead skin, small deposits of fatty tissue and keratin get clogged in a hair duct. When the duct is open, this clogging produces a "blackhead". When the duct is closed, it is referred to as a "whitehead". Because a whitehead is closed, in most cases, it will eventually rupture. This bursting causes the redness and infection of adult acne.

There are many myths associated with adult acne. Dermatologists tell us that acne is not caused by eating chocolate, fish or oily foods. Stress, in itself, does not cause acne. However, there are certain stress-relieving drugs that have been known to cause skin conditions.

Acne does not clear up faster if you wash your face several times a day or sit out in the sun. Acne is not caused by dirt. Washing your face many times a day can actually do more harm than good. Sitting in the sun only darkens your skin and can cause scaring.

Remember, if you are battling a skin condition, you are not alone. There are numerous ways to treat the problem. You do not have to live with adult acne forever!

About the Author:
Dave Robinson
This article was made possible by Visit our site for the latest in acne treatment.
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