Wednesday, January 31, 2007

An Effective Acne Treatment - The Dream Of Every Teenager

Acne is the most commonly diagnosed skin condition in young people. This is young men and women with ages between 12-25 years of age. The visible scars and injuries on the skin of the person suffering from this acne condition makes it hard to endure in everyday life, specially at the early ages that characterize the appearance of this condition.

Acne appears on the skin and it forms inside a person's pores. Pores are the openings in the skin through which hair grows. One of the slabs in the chain of how acne is originated is inside these tiny holes, they are called sebaceous glands and are connected to the pores. They continually produce a substance called sebum, which lubricates the hair and the skin.

Several things happen inside the pore before acne appears on the skin. First, the sebaceous glands at the bottom of the pore start producing too much oil. Then, as the pore's inside naturally renews itself, it releases dead cells inside the cavity. These dead cells combine with sebum to create a plug. The result is an enlarged, blocked pore.

If the plug stays beneath the surface of the skin, it causes what is called a whitehead. But if it barely reaches the surface of the skin, it then causes a blackhead. When the walls of the pore break down, the result is a pimple.

But this is not all. Those plugged pores usually create a perfect breeding ground for bacteria, and this is what causes the characteristic pain, inflammation and swelling on the skin. The bacteria and oil can also create deep, painful areas which can lead to scarring.

There are several known factors that can lead to suffering from acne:

Heredity Hormones Some medicines Some make-up and cosmetic products Friction from clothing and sporting equipment Environmental factors such as pollution and humidity

Many teenagers spend a big part of their lives lamenting for having this condition and trying home remedies for acne without good results and only augmenting their frustration. The good news is that there exist effective treatments for acne.

About The Author:
Natan Young
Learn a step by step program that has been proven over the years to cure acne affectively.
Submitted: 2006-10-25
Article Source: GoArticles

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Dealing With Acne

The worst thing you can wake up to in the morning is a zit. A fat pimple on your chin can really start the day off wrong. With that said 20 percent of people never have a zit anyway? It almost seems unreal that some people don’t have a pimple. Why should the rest of us have to suffer this blemish? Good news, there is an upside to this inevitable predicament. Dermatologists are always working hard on the newest pimple treatment. Cause let's face it, if you're afflicted by acne, you need a good pimple treatment.

First of all, you will need to get on the internet and acquire a better understanding of your skin. In other words know your skin. What acne solutions do you recommend? You could consult a local dermatologist for this answer. However, he or she will probably only be able make certain suggestions. Well, if you're like a great many of us, you've tried countless creams, special gels, and countless face washes. There are free tests provided by the Internet that can easily help to distinguish your skin type. This bit of information will save you a lot of time and hassle. Once you've established whether you have dry, oily, sensitive, normal, or combination skin, you'll want to search for a pimple treatment that is right for you.

With the internet at your fingertips, you can surf through tons of options. That perfect pimple treatment is out there if you do your research. Check out the reviews posted by other acne afflicted individuals. This may guide you in making a final decision. Just remember, the key is not only finding the proper pimple treatment, but also having the right diet and avoiding harsh cleansers. Remember do your research; your skin will love you for it!

About the Author:
Larry Henderson is a the owner of Health News and a contributing writer for">Kids and Teens.
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Monday, January 29, 2007

Acne Care for Adults

For many adults, what was thought of as a teenage affliction has continued well into their twenties and thirties. For other adults suffering from acne, the outbreaks did not start until they reached their twenties.

The causes of adult acne vary and can be any one or a combination of the following conditions.


Until recently, stress related acne was a myth. Researchers are now beginning to understand the correlation between stress and acne. For adult acne sufferers, stress is considered to be the leading cause to post-pubescent breakouts.

When we are exposed to stressful situations, the brain triggers the central nervous system, which in turn sends signals to the rest of the body as part of a primitive fight or flight response. Part of this response is hormonal release from our adrenal glands and fatty secretions from the sebaceous glands, which lay beneath the skin.

Both hormonal imbalance and fatty secretions, which can clog pores, are known contributors to acne outbreaks.

Hormonal Imbalances

Hormonal imbalances as a cause of adult acne primarily affect women. Imbalances that occur during a woman’s menstrual cycle or as a result of pregnancy can lead to acne outbreaks.

There are adult males who report that they have monthly acne episodes. While men obviously do not menstruate, it is believed that men may have hormonal cycles similar to women.

Coffee Consumption Adults tend to ingest more coffee than do teens. The caffeine in coffee and tea promotes the production of cortisol, which is also known as the stress hormone. As noted, hormone imbalances are known contributors to adult acne.


The chemicals introduced into the body by cigarette smoking limit blood circulation to skin cells, inhibiting the skin’s ability to heal and regenerate. The toxins released in cigarette smoke can clog pores and promote bacterial growth in pores, all of which contributes to adult acne.


Recent research has shown that people are more likely to suffer from adult acne if they have a family history of adult acne sufferers.

Environmental Job conditions that expose the skin to high levels of pollutants, irritants, or humidity can lead to an increase in adult acne.


• Poorly formulated cosmetics that are heavy or greasy can clog skin pores, trapping bacteria, dirt, and oils resulting in adult acne breakouts. Covering acne with makeup can make the condition worse.

About The Author:
Kerwin Chang writes for where you can find out more about acne and other skin care topics.
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Sunday, January 28, 2007

Do You Need Acne scar removal or Treatment?

If you have acne scars from breakouts that you had in the past, there are ways to help remove them. Or, you just might have some pimples now that are leaving scars. Well, there is help. Know what some of your options are for treatment, and understand that acne scar removal is possible even with persistent acne woes and scarring.

Now a days the treatment for removing scars are up to date and modern. There are all kinds of treatments, but only a qualified dermatologist can help you get those scars off of your face or body, so you can start feeling confident about how you look. Depending on the type of acne that you've had, or are experiencing now, your doctor will determine the routine of acne scar removal that you need.

Most acne scar treatments require clear skin before treatment begins, so this is the first issue that must be addressed. If you haven't done it already, make an appointment with your dermatologist to get started. Every person must be evaluated individually and treated on a case-by-case basis, and what works for one may not work for another

Some of the different ways that this is done can range from medication, surgery, and light or laser therapy. Medications like Tetracycline are antibiotics that will clear up acne by stopping infection, and the skin heals naturally.

Another type of medication that helps with acne scar removal is called Accutane. It has high doses of Vitamin A that eliminate oils from the skin, and cuts down on the scarring by eliminating infection. There are potential side effects of the antibiotics and Accutane. After a while you can develop immunity to the antibiotics, or even become very allergic to the medications.

Do not take Accutane if you are thinking of becoming pregnant or are pregnant. Only a dermatologist should prescribe this type of acne scar removal.

Light or laser therapy is great for removing scars that are moderate or severe too. You'll know that your doctor is recommending these types of acne scar removal treatments when Blue or Red Light Therapy is discussed.

Fotofacials are another type that is often used too. It rids your skin of scars by using pulsating frequencies of lights or lasers. Scars are either totally removed, or they are faded to the point that a good makeup will hide the remaining evidence. The best thing about it is that results are sometimes better with this type of acne scar removal treatment.

Most acne scar treatments are not covered by health insurance plans, and can be quite costly if more than a couple of treatments are needed, which is the case in more instances than not. Less expensive acne scar treatments can always be tried first, especially if the scars are not too severe. Check with your dermatologist's office for prices of various procedures recommended, and also check online for more in depth information on acne scar treatments

It's important too that medications don't have to be used for an extended period, and it's not as dangerous. Acne scar removal is possible, and all you have to do is to make an appointment, and start on the way to healing your scars on your body, and your outlook on you.

About the Author
Rudy Silva is nutritional consultant that writes on natural remedies. To get a free copy of how to eliminate acne using facial creams go to:
Added: 23 Oct 2006
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Saturday, January 27, 2007

The Different Types Of Treatments Available For Mild Acne

Mild Acne is quite common and persists for differentamounts of time for different people. This can be due tovarying environmental or genetic factors, or a combinationof both.

Mild acne usually consists of minor breakouts ofwhiteheads, blackheads, pimples and zits. While thesebreakouts don't persist for extended periods of time, theycan be painfully uncomfortable or irritating to the skin,especially the skin on the face and forehead.

For any type of skin problem, it's best to consult with adermatologist for advice. She or he will be able toidentify exactly the type of acne you have, its degree ofseverity, and the type medication that you might choose touse.

However, with mild acne, it's often recommended to startfirst by using a topical cream. Commonly, this can bebought without a prescription over the counter (OTC).

Topical creams are rubbed in over the affected skin area.Used nearly two or three times per day, along with properwashing and rinsing, it's effective against minor cases ofacne. But, you need to be sure and give the medicine six oreight weeks, even if the acne has subsided, before you stopusing it.

In the beginning of use, even OTC medicines may cause yousome minor burning or irritation. Most OTC skin creams ofthis nature take anywhere from a week or two to get used to(or, for the slight burning or irritation to stop).

There are many types of medicines available. As mentioned,it's important to consult with a doctor or dermatologistbefore starting your own treatment regimen, even if thecreams or medications are available OTC. In any case,benzyl peroxide, resorcinol, salicylic acid, and sulfur arecommonly used to treat minor cases of acne.

Benzyl peroxide will help lower the oil production in yourfacial skin glands. Resorcinol, salicylic acid and sulfurare effective against eliminating whiteheads and blackheadsSalicylic acid also helps cut down the shedding of cells,which prevents pores from getting overly clogged or pluggedwith residue. Topical creams can come in the form of adaily lotion or gel, oil-free creams and soaps.

Again, remember that it can take some time before you startto see (or even feel) the benefits of such medications.There are other alternatives as minor acne isn't as much ofa nuisance as other, more extreme cases.

In any regard, be sure to follow your plan for severalweeks, otherwise the acne may not clear up completely. And,if the problem persists, simply work out another treatmentoption with your doctor or dermatologist.

About the Author:
Steve Williams is a freelance writer, who suffered acne for many years. His research into prevention and acne cures have helped him, and other fellow sufferers. Discover useful advice and information about the causes and prevention of acne. Website contains useful articles and updated information on this nasty skin condition. Click ==>
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Friday, January 26, 2007

Acne Exposed: Treatments for Acne

The advances in medical science are able to resolve every case of Acne. People who need help should remember three things.

First, Acne will not go away overnight. The average patient who undergoes treatment will have to work hard for about 6 to 8 weeks before seeing any improvement. Further treatment will have to be continued should there be no changes.

Second, the individual should not expect to see the same results even if a friend or family who has the same problem recommends the product. This is because this will all depend on the person's skin type and type of spots or lesions that are currently present on the face.

Third, if the products purchased over the counter do not work, then it is time to see a dermatologist. These professionals specialize in skin problems and can recommend something better to make the problem go away.

The doctor will look into several factors such as the patient's sex, age, skin type, lifestyle and any other conditions before recommending the type of treatment to be used.

Here are some of the treatments available that can be used to treat Acne.

1. The first is Isotretinoin better known as Accutane. This is prescribed by the physician and has to be used for the next four or five months. Tests have shown this can clear Acne and be used for a year if this is needed.

2. Cleansing pads have also been known to treat Acne. The person will just put this on the face for a few minutes then take it off once it dries on the skin. The user will notice that this can clean out excess oil and dirt preventing pimples or Acne from recurring.

3. Skin lotion is also recommended for use to treat Acne. The individual can use a cue tip, cotton buds or the finger to apply it this on the face. It is advisable to use this before going to bed so the effects will begin to change while the person is sleeping.

4. The person can also use a repairing lotion to finish everything so that the spots are removed and this will not happen again.

The treatments available come in different brands. This can be purchased in the department store while there are others that need to be recommended by a physician.

The dermatologist may use two types of treatments if this is necessary. One may be used in the morning while the other one in the evening.

If a certain product has been recommended, the individual must not combine these with other items that were purchased over the counter because it may cause unwanted complications and side effects.

When the individual first sees any spots in the face, it is best to consult a doctor immediately. This will determine if this is something serious or it could be Acne.

The person should be ready to give all the details such as when it first started, the kind of food being eaten in and the types of activities one is engaged in. Any of these factors could have contributed to the outbreak of Acne.

Acne responds well to early treatment. Though there may be some minor side effects, the efforts will pay off as this can help prevent permanent marks or scarring.

About The Author:
Article written by Hector Milla, editor of, a website pointing the best acne treatment exposed, thanks for publish this article in your website or ezine keeping a live link.
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Thursday, January 25, 2007

Acne Skin Care Myths

I was reasearching the subject of acne the other day for a site I am building and I kept running across a ton of myths that many people believe. There is always a little truth to each idea that creates a myth and that is what fuels it's continued belief. Here are some of the myths I found about acne treatment.

Myth #1 "Poor Hygiene & Cleanliness Causes Acne Blemishes" This could be true if you simply never washed your face but that is not the case with most people who suffer from acne. The acne problem is underneath the skin layer and in the pores.

Myth #2 "If You Dry Out Your Face The Acne Bacteria Will Die" This one works almost exactly the opposite of what you are expecting. You can actually create more acne if you dry out your face because the dead cell matter will clog your pores more and increase the infection in the future. This myth continues to be popular because most acne medications dry out your face while killing bacteria. The good ones also add a moisturizer.

Myth #3 " If You Have Acne It Is Because Of A Poor Diet" This one could be true because there is some connection to diet and its' long term effects on your skin but it is not a usable cure. The connectin to diet and acne is not that you are eating so wrong but that you may be missing vital minerals and vitamins that help fight bacteria and infection.

Myth #4 "Just Pop The Acne Pimple To Get Rid Of It" This myth is downright dangerous to those that use it. You not only make infections worse you could actually create a scar that is permanent. Use the acne medication and applications but never pop the pimples.

Myth #5 "Time Will Some How Cure The Acne" This myth hides itself in many ways. Some people with say acne is only a problem for teenagers. Well tell that to the thousands of adults that get it every day. Others will make a comments about acne being a phase and that it will clear up in time. This may happen every now and then but it puts the acne sufferer at the risk of not getting help at the beginning of a break out. This is vital to prevent spreading of the acne.

Being aware that much of what is known about acne is based on oppinon and not facts wil lead you on the course to acne relief faster. Feel free to read more of my acne articles so you can become an expert at

About the Author:
Thomas Jackson researcher writer acne home remedies expert.
Article Source: ArticleWarehouse

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

The Best Skincare Routine For An Acne Sufferer

Have a good skincare routine is imperative if you are going to reduce your acne breakouts and have glowing skin. If you think the Hollywood celebrities just wake up every morning and have perfectly glowing skin, you would be sorely mistaken. In fact if you were to ever stumble into their bathroom you would be sure to find that they would have a myriad of creams and lotions lining their bathroom cabinet drawers. Using the wrong skincare routine or products can actually exacerbate your acne breakouts and may unduly cause unnecessary suffering. So if you are looking to find a good skincare routine that will help reduce your acne breakout you need to first figure out what skin type you have. You either fall into the category of dry, oily or a combination of the two skin types. And determining which one you fall into can be hugely advantageous in determining the best skincare routine for you.

Once you have worked out your skin type you then need to purchase products that would be best suited to your skin type. The general skin regiment to follow is to use a good cleansing product that is gentle on the face. You don't want to purchase any cleansing product that is abrasive or has micro beads that could irritate the skin. The product marked gentle cleansers are your best bet.

You will then need to pick out a good toner and moisturizer. With the moisturizer, if you have oily skin you will want to purchase one that is either oil free or marked for oily skin types.

During your daily face cleansing routine you will want to use warm or tepid water. You want to avoid hot or cold extremes when rinsing your face as this could cause unnecessary dryness and irritation. With your face cleaning routine you will want to do this twice daily. Any more frequent then this and you may be doing yourself more harm than good as this could lead to dryness of the skin and irritation which are often the cause of acne breakouts. Gentle cleansing is the keyword so scrubs and sponges for the rest of your body.

Now that your face is cleansed its time to apply the toner. Mild toners are great to provide that cleansed feeling and help to close the pores. Take into consideration that most toners are not strong enough to clean makeup residue so if you do have traces of makeup still on you will want to have that cleaned before applying your toner.

Now it's time to apply your moisturizer. Be sure to apply a good sunscreen on if you are going to be spending time outside. If you keep to this routine daily then the incidence of acne breakouts will be greatly reduced.

About The Author:
Terence Young
For more information and resources on the best acne skincare treatments visit:
Submitted: 2006-10-28
Article Source: GoArticles

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Ways to Cure Acne

Some people get acne from the secretion of hormones or it is acquired genetically. These hormones secrete more oil that creates clog in your skin pores. Although some cosmetic products help block the pores they may cause other skin problems like, pimples and blackheads. Many people believe in the misconception that only teens acquire acne. However, there were studies that proved that 50 percent of adults also get acne and skin blemishes.

It is also in the same case for pimples and zits. They occur because of the continuous skin changes. There will be shedding of the old skin because there are abnormalities occurring in cells. There are also times that cells compress together and they fill the hair follicle to form comedones. Blackheads are known to be open comedones and the closed ones are called whiteheads. To prevent acne try some of these tips.

1. Always keep your skin clean. The skin needs to be treated everyday. It is important that you do not rub or squeeze anything that you see on your skin. Do not use cosmetics and creams that contain excessive oil. These may lead to the blocking of the pores of your skin. Be aware also of the food that you eat specially products that have too much fat. The fatty foods that you take can stimulate the sebaceous gland to secrete the excess oil in the body. There are parts of the body that do not have oil glands like the soles of our feet or the palms. These parts are considered water glands or sweat glands.

2. Over the counter ointments can treat mild acnes. They are found to be effective in alleviating the acne. You can choose from solutions or soaps that have benzoyl peroxide, which kills bacteria that causes acne.

3. Consider going to the dermatologists if these over the counter solutions did not show effect to your acne problems. The dermatologist may prescribe medicines that will best fit your needs. Topical creams that contain vitamin A are effective to get rid off blackheads and whiteheads. Another ointment that can be recommended by your doctor is the Alpha hydroxyl acid. It can renew the skin and remove all dead skin cells. The doctor can also prescribe Tetracycline, which is an oral antibiotic, if you have severe acnes.

4. You can add chromium in your diet. It is known to be effective in losing weight. To help you remove pimples quickly you can take chromium supplements, one per day. It also used to prevent the pores in your skin to breakout.

5. If you have bangs or long hair, you have to keep your hair off your face because your hair produces oil too. That may lead to open the pores. You must not forget to wash your hair everyday and after outdoor activities.

6. Never touch or squeeze your pimples and blackheads. If you touch, rub, scratch or squeeze your blackheads and pimples, it may lead to the separation of the membranes under your skin. It can only result to having more pimples.

7. Include vegetables that are rich in vitamin A for beta-carotene. Vitamin A is important to sustain and heal the tissues of your skin. The skin is composed of mucous membranes. Eat vegetables such as carrots to give strength to the protective tissue, which is the mucous membrane. Also, eat foods that are rich in Zinc. It is essential for the oil glands of the skin; low intake of Zinc can lead to acne breakouts.

8. Studies have proven that honey contains antibacterial properties used for skin infections and skin blemishes. It is advisable to apply honey mask to your face at least once a week. Honey is mild to the skin and you do not have anything to worry about it.

9. Lessen the use of makeup. As much as possible avoid applying makeup on your face. It blocks the pores of your skin resulting to more blackheads and pimples.

10. Your pillowcase must always be clean, wash it everyday because you lay your face to it, the dirt and oil that your pillowcase gets from your face is reattached and may lead to acnes and other skin problems.

About the Author:
Daegan Smith is an Expert Internet Network Marketer. "Learn How To Make $10,717 In Less Than a Week While Quickly And Easily EXPLODING Your Network Marketing Organization Without EVER Buying a Single Lead?"
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Monday, January 22, 2007

Using Birth Control Pills For Hormonal Balancing And Acne Cure

Many things are given to you in life, without your asking, meaning thereby you have no choice over it. Some of them are major things and some are minor. For example, you have no choice of your place of birth and the family tree in which you are born. The arrival of acne is also somewhat like that. It comes without your approval, without your knowledge.

The exact causes of acne are still not known. Scientists are just groping in the dark with a torch! Various findings have resulted in the flooding of markets with many, many over the counter medications.

The possible causes of acne include changes brought in the body due to puberty, excess oil production in body and some hormonal changes. Well, hormonal imbalance is very much linked to acne. Those who believe hormonal balancing is necessary to cure acne take birth control pills to treat acne.

Physiological changes, clogging of hair follicles and bacterial infection could also be the causes of acne. Attack of acne does the two fold damage to your skin and to your psyche. You suffer more, if you are personality conscious. While beating the retreat also, acne will not let you go unpunished, it leaves behind the scars. Your acne, therefore, needs immediate treatment.

Acne in women can be tackled by birth control pills, because the pills control the hormonal surges. These surges occur before the menstrual cycle. But don't self-start this treatment. Only your dermatologist may prescribe these pills for you, after the detailed medical examination.

Birth control pills promise you clear skin, which means they get you rid of acne. Thorough research on this subject has prompted FDA to approve Ortho Tri- Cyclen and generic norgestimate/ ethinyl estradiol (the ingredients in the birth control pills), for treating acne.

How do these pills work? Androgen is a male hormone that is responsible for increase in the oil production. It is ever on the job, but does overtime and increases its production of oil, prior the beginning of menstruation cycles. Birth control pills have shown that they help to decrease these excess androgens.

But many side effects are reported, by taking pills for controlling acne. Taking birth control pills for their legitimate use itself is thus not free from controversy. Think over, how one controversy can solve another controversy?

About the Author:
Javier Fuller
To read more articles on acne, types of acne, acne cure, acne pills and Acne Medication and Acne Facts visit
Added: 13 Oct 2006
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Sunday, January 21, 2007

Is There A Vitamin For Acne That Will Heal Acne-Prone Skin

If you suffer from acne then it’s possible that at some point or other you’ve looked into a vitamin for acne which will help clear your skin. If you have, then you’re not alone. There are plenty of vitamin supplements on the market that are designed to help in the health and appearance of your skin.

The premise behind a vitamin for acne, is that acne may be in some part attributed to imbalances in the nutrients the body needs for ultimate functioning. The fact is, to a certain extent this is true. Many people, when treating acne, act as if it’s a problem related to the skin, but it’s not. The actual causes of acne occur inside the body, and are generally hormonal in nature (which is why acne is so prevalent among teenagers whose hormones are often going haywire). For this reason, it’s quite likely that taking the correct balance of nutrients in the body can help in the treatment of skin conditions such as acne.

There are several vitamins and minerals which can help support the body and can work towards healing acne. Some of these include: Vitamin B5, Vitamin B6, Vitamin E, Vitamin A, chromium picolinate, Zinc, evening primrose oil, colloidal silver, potassium, selenium and essential fatty acids. Many acne sufferers have found some relief by taking a supplement containing all or a combination of these important nutrients.

However, vitamins are only a part of the answer in the quest for acne free skin. I personally suffered from acne for over fifteen years. For me, it wasn’t a simple case of waiting out my teenage years in the hope that once I reached my twenties my skin would clear. It simply didn’t happen, and I suffered from acne into my thirties. Possibly, I’d still have acne now, if not for Acne Cured the eBook. This book taught me exactly why people get acne, and as mentioned previously, it’s something that occurs within the body, not on the skin.

By following the advice contained within the book, and by taking a multivitamin and mineral supplement, I’ve been able to get my acne under control. Many acne products and books promise almost instantaneous results. However, the reality as I know it, is that there is no overnight miracle cure for acne. I found that if I followed the advice in Acne Cured the eBook to the letter, my skin cleared itself. It took a good two months before my skin was entirely clear, but I was able to notice results after only a week. Believe me, if you’ve suffered for acne for over a decade, there’s no problem waiting a few weeks for perfectly clear skin!

Overall, the idea that there is one single vitamin for acne which will cure all your acne problems is most likely false. However, by taking a combination of essential vitamins, minerals and other nutrients, you can help your skin improve. By following such a regimen, along with information contained in Acne Cured the eBook, there’s no reason why everyone can’t have fantastic, healthy skin.

About The Author:
Jennifer Carlson
If you want to cure your acne for good, click over to Acne Cured the eBook and find out how Jennifer Carlson finally cured the acne she’d suffered from for over 15 years. Learn more about acne and acne treatments by visiting her website Acne Medication and Treatment and get more information about natural acne medication.
Article Submitted On: October 30, 2006
Article Source:

Saturday, January 20, 2007

How To Alleviate Your Acne Problem

Acne brings huge problems to teenagers. Teenagers who have acne feel isolated, ugly, and insecure. Who wouldn't when everywhere you look, only clear skinned people are put on the pedestal.

You tried every acne product out in the market but nothing seems to work. At this point, you feel that your social life is doomed but fret not because acne won't stay forever if you take the proper actions early.

First step to take is to understand what acne really is and from there you can take the necessary actions in curing or at least reducing your acne problem.

Acne is the term for plugged pores (whiteheads and blackheads), pimples, and deeper lumps (nodules) that happens in the face, neck, chest, back and upper arms. Acne is caused by build up of excess oil and dead skin in a pore. The causes of this are natural hormones, clogged skin and bacteria.

The onset of acne happens between the ages of twelve to seventeen. Almost all teenagers had acne. Many of them used non-prescription treatments to alleviate acne but more than 40% of teenagers in their mid-teens have severe acne cases. Normally, it goes away in the early twenties. Then again, there are many cases wherein acne starts or continues into adulthood.

It is interesting to note though that young men who are more likely to have severe acne, don't consult dermatologists as much as young women do. But then again, young women are more likely to have irregular acne due to hormonal changes during menstrual cycle or due to the cosmetic products they use. This kind of acne may afflict women even into adulthood.

The ultimate question now is how do you reduce acne?

Knowing the facts that debunk the myths and misconceptions about acne may help you alleviate your acne problem.

Myth 1: Acne is caused by poor hygiene.

This may be true if you don't wash your face at all. But if you resort to frequent and vigorous washing, it will definitely cause scarring which will worsen acne. The best approach is to gently wash face twice a day with mild soap and use appropriate acne treatment after.

Myth 2: Acne is caused by diet.

Scientific studies debunked this having found that there is no connection between food and acne.

Myth 3: Acne is caused by stress.

Stressors are not important factors in acne. Only severe stress that needs medication can cause acne as side effects.

Myth 4: Acne is just a cosmetic disease.

Acne does affect how people look but there's no serious threat to physical health. However, acne can result to serious scarring which can affect how these people live their lives.

Myth 5: You just have to let acne run its course.

The truth is, acne can be cleared up using acne products available in the market today. If they don't work for you, then try seeing a dermatologist.

According to Thiboutot (2000), cure of acne lies in knowing three things:

* That resolution to cure acne takes time;
* That what works for one may not work for another;
* and that a dermatologist's help may be needed if all actions you take to cure your acne fail.

Remember that acne responds well to early treatment. So to prevent scarring have your acne treated as soon as acne starts showing up on your face.

About the Author:
©Charlene J. Nuble 2005. For up to date links and information about acne, please go to: or for updated links and information on all health related topics, go to:
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Friday, January 19, 2007

Acne Scar Cream - A Simple Way to Remove Ugly Acne Blemishes

An acne scar can be as much of a problem...or an even bigger problem...than the acne was in the first place. Thanks to technology, however, there are now a lot of cosmetic procedures that can be undertaken to remove acne scars. With these procedures, it is not impossible for acne scars to be removed no matter how serious they are. Examples of these procedures are dermabrasion, microdermabrasion, laser resurfacing, punch techniques, subcision and others.
It should be noted though that cosmetic procedures can be quite costly, ranging from $50 to $3000. Additionally, these procedures cause some pain and can cause side effects.

Home Remedies for the Removal of Acne Scars

If the condition of your acne scar is not serious then you can get rid of acne scars by following any of the following home remedies.

· Use creams or lotions that contain Alpha hydroxyl acid or Retinol for non-sensitive skin.
· For sensitive skin, use mild scar reducing agents such as Rosehip seed oil.

While in the process of treating your acne scars, you should also take the following measures.

· Avoid getting exposed to the sun's ultraviolet rays. These can damage the skin's pigment, causing diseases.
· Regularly wash your face with clean water.
· Apply sun screen when you go out.
· Do not drink alcohol excessively.
· Do not smoke or take in other nicotine products. These reduce your body's water content and causes the skin to dry.
· Be sure to have regular intakes of Vitamins C and E. They are great for preventing acne.
· Exercise regularly. Exercising helps purify the blood and increases oxygen level in the tissues. This makes the skin fresh and young looking.

While cosmetic procedures are expensive and can be risky, and home remedies might take some time to show results, there is an acne scar cream that you can use to cure your acne and remove acne scars at the same time.
Acnessential is a 4% Niacinamide cream that is made of natural ingredients and is very safe to use. Aside from effectively and quickly removing acne and acne scars, Acnessential has the following advantages over other acne scar products in the market today.
· It has been clinically proven at the New York University's Department of Medicine to be very effective in the treatment of acne.
· It does not stain towels, clothes or bed sheets.
· It is fragrance free so it's great for those with sensitive skin.
· It promotes younger looking skin (you can see results in as little as 6 days).
· Visits to the doctor are not necessary since Acnessential does not require a prescription and can be easily and conveniently purchased online.

About The Author:
Richard Hargreaves is publisher of On his website he provides a FREE 70 page Acne eBook which covers acne scar cream, and information on Acne Scar Removal and Acne Scar treatment
Content Provider:

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Acne Treatment - What Is Sebum?

Sebum is part of the oil that is found on the surface of the skin. Other ingredients of the oil on the skin are- sweat, lipids and environmental dirt. It is sebum, which contributes a lot to our body odor. Sebum itself is odorless but its bacterial disintegration produces odor. That is why if you keep your skin clean of bacteria with anti bacterial soaps regularly, you can reduce body odor to a great extent. Sebum reaches hair follicles and coats the hair and also reaches the skin through the hair follicles. Many people experience oily hair if hair is left unwashed for few days. That happens because of sebum. The Latin meaning of sebum is fat.

How sebum is produced- sebum is produced by sebaceous glands. These glands are found on most parts of the body. Except few, most sebaceous glands open into a hair follicle. These are the sites of acne formation.

What does sebum do- sebum protects skin from bacterial infection. Sebum also reduces the natural water loss of body from the skin. Increased sebum production can cause acne.

Sebum production- sebum production decreases with age. Particularly in women it reduces after menopause. Adult females produce less sebum than men. Sebum production may experience jump at the time of puberty in men.

There are some common theories about sebum. Some people believe that drying excess sebum with blotting oils will reduce sebum production. Some believe that if you use products supposed to control oil production that will increase sebum production. Both are wrong conclusions. Drying excess oil will only remove surface oil. And using oil control products will not increase sebum production. Sebum is required to protect our skin, but increased production of sebum leads to oily skin and frequent acne flare-ups.

This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.

About the Author:
The author C.D.Mohatta writes articles on skin problems, skin treatments and skin care. You can visit for more information about how to have good skin. You can read articles, advice and ideas at on love, dating, marriage, relationships, break-ups, etc. You can use free love and romance ecards from to send your love messages to your darling.
Article Source: ArticleWarehouse

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Treatment on Acne

It's important to know that there is no true cure for acne. If untreated, it can last for many years, although acne usually clears up as you get older. The following treatments, however, generally can keep acne under control.

1. Use topical benzoyl peroxide lotion or gel
Benzoyl peroxide helps kill skin bacteria, unplug the oil ducts and heal acne pimples. It is the most effective acne treatment you can get without a doctor's prescription. Many brands are available in different levels of strength (2.5 percent, 5 percent or 10 percent). Read the labels or ask your pediatrician or pharmacist about it.

* Start slowly with a 2.5 percent or 5 percent lotion or gel once a day. After a week, increase use to twice a day (morning and night) if your skin isn't too red or isn't peeling.
* Apply a thin film to the entire area where pimples may occur. Don't just dab it on current blemishes. Avoid the delicate skin around the eyes, mouth and corner of the nose.
* If your acne isn't better after four to six weeks, you may increase to a 10 percent strength lotion or gel. Start with one application each day and increase to two daily applications if your skin tolerates it.

2. If you don't see results, consult your pediatrician
Your doctor can prescribe stronger treatments, if needed, and will teach you how to use them properly. Three kinds of medications may be recommended:

* TRETINOIN (RETIN-A) CREAM OR GEL helps unplug oil ducts but must be used exactly as directed. Be aware that exposure to the sun (or tanning parlors) can cause increased redness in some people who are using the medication.

* TOPICAL ANTIBIOTIC SOLUTIONS may be used in addition to other medications for a type of acne called pustular acne.

* ORAL ANTIBIOTIC PILLS may be used in addition to creams, lotions or gels if your acne doesn't respond to topical treatments alone.

3. What about the "miracle drug" Accutane?
Isotretinoin (Accutane) is a very strong chemical taken in pill form. It is used only for severe cystic acne that hasn't responded to any other treatment. Accutane must NEVER be taken just before or during pregnancy. There is a danger of severe or even fatal deformities to unborn babies whose mothers have taken Accutane while pregnant or who become pregnant soon after taking Accutane. You should never have unprotected sexual intercourse while taking Accutane. Patients who take Accutane must be carefully supervised by a doctor knowledgeable about its usage, such as a pediatric dermatologist or other expert on treating acne. Your pediatrician may require a negative pregnancy test and a signed consent form before prescribing Accutane to females.

If you are experiencing acne problems, remember that your pediatrician can help you. And as you begin treatment, keep these helpful tips in mind:

* Be patient. It takes three to six weeks to see any improvement. Give each treatment enough time to work.

* Be faithful. Follow your program every day. Don't stop and start each time your skin changes. Remember, sometimes your skin may appear to worsen early in the program before you begin to see improvement.

* Follow directions. Not using the treatment as directed is the most common reason the treatment fails.

* Don't use medication prescribed for someone else. This holds true for all medications, especially Accutane. Doctors prescribe medication specifically for particular patients. What's good for a friend may be harmful for you. Never take Accutane that's prescribed for another person.

* Don't overdo it. Too much scrubbing makes skin worse. Too much benzoyl peroxide or Retin-A cream makes your face red and scaly. Too much oral antibiotic may cause side effects.

About The Author:
Kerwin Chang writes for where you can find out more about acne and other skin care topics.
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Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Top 5 Best Natural Acne Treatments

"Who hasn't encountered the dreaded """"zit"""" at some point in their life making acne one of the most common of all skin disorders. Acne is a common eruption of the hair follicles and oil-producing glands of the skin. Acne usually is found on the face, neck, and upper body. Pimples and blackheads are caused by the increase in hormones adolescence or before a woman's period and by bacterial infections of the skin.

Waste and toxins are eliminated by the skin through sweat pores. Thus, constipation or irregular bowel movements worsen the problem and need to corrected in acne treatment.

While there no one """"best acne treatment"""" the following are the top five natural acne treatments which should be considered by anyone seeking an acne solution.

1. Supplements and Vitamins for Acne Treatment

Zinc – 50 milligrams, 2 times per day. If Zinc Picolinate is used (due to superior absorption) 50 milligrams is taken only once a day.

Vitamin A – 100,000 Units per day for 2 months. Excess Vitamin A be toxic to the liver and needs to be used under a physician's supervision. Pregnant women (or women who may become pregnant) should not take more than 10,000 Units per day.

Vitamin B3 (Niacinamide) – topical gel, containing 4% Niacinamide, applied twice per day.

Vitamin B6 – 100 milligrams per day, especially if acne is associated with the menstrual period.

Vitamin C – 1,000 milligrams, 4 times a day. Reduce dosage if diarrhea occurs.

Vitamin E – 600 Units per day.

Pantothenic Acid - 2.5 grams, four times per day, orally. In research, this has been used together with a topical cream containing 20% Pantothenic acid which was applied four to six times per day.

Deodorized garlic, 10 to 16 capsules per day, depending on the severity of the acne and until symptoms improve. Reduce this dosage gradually, over a 3-week period, to 4 capsules per day.

Evening Primrose oil or Linseed oil – 2 capsules per day.

Most of these supplements can be taken in a multivitamin tablet and extra Vitamin A and Zinc.

2. Proper Diet as an Acne Solution

Increase fruits and vegetables in the diet. Eat at least 2 pieces of fruit and 1 cup of vegetables daily.

Eliminate sugar and sugar containing foods because sugar increases the fats that are secreted by the sebaceous glands. These are the glands that are infected by bacteria when a person has acne.

Limit junk foods, fatty foods, fried foods, and milk products. All these foods tend to aggravate acne.

3 The Herbal Acne Remedy

A tea can be made from equal parts of Oregon Grape Root, Dandelion Root, and Burdock Root. Brew 1 teaspoon of this mixture per cup of boiling water. Simmer 5 minutes, then steep for 15 minutes. Up to 6 cups per day for 12 days are taken, or less if nausea or an upset stomach occurs.

A tea of Vitex has often been considered useful, especially when premenstrual symptoms and hormonal imbalances are involved.

4. Physical Treatments in Acne Care

Exposing the skin to sunshine and fresh air or to the light of a tanning lamp, but not long enough to burn the skin. Overexposure to tanning lights may increase the risk of skin cancer.

5. Homeotherapy Acne Skin Care Products

Silica 6C and Hepar sulph 6C: Each day, 3 pellets of Silica in the early morning and afternoon and 3 pellets of Hepar sulph at noon time and in the evening. The pellets are dissolved under the tongue.

Note: A wide range of homeopathic medicines can be effective acne treatment solutions. A health care professional trained in homeopathic prescribing will usually be the best way to select the correct acne medicine."

About the Author:
Post by Steve Adair, independent researcher, freelance writer and vitamin and nutritional supplement consultant to More information available on Acne and Acne Treatments available at
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Sunday, January 14, 2007

Using Blue Light Acne Therapy To Blow Your Zits Away

Did you know that a vast majority of adults, one in twenty in fact, suffer from persistent acne which can prove to be extremely resistant to antibiotics and over-the-counter lotions and potions?

The good thing about suffering on such a large scale often means that (usually) more research studies will be carried out and more and more newer treatments readily become available as time goes on. This is especially the case with acne where we tend to hear about new treatments and over-the-counter products every year.

To think that about a decade ago we had the likes of Clearasil, Oxy10 and Noxzema pads to put into our arsenal of weapons against acne. Fast forward 5 to 10 years and we now have treatments such as chemical peels, microderm abrasion and blue light acne therapy available to us.

The difference between treatments such as chemical peels and blue light acne therapy as compared to using Clearasil pads, for example is that in the latter scenario, the Clearasil pads are at best going to dry out your angry looking red pimples. If instead you use microderm abrasion, then this process will slough off the dead skin that is blocking your pore and let the fresh epidermis come through. Therefore, although they might sound more major, chemical peels, microderm abrasion and blue light acne therapy are much more effective, especially over the longer term, in combatting acne.

So - what exactly is blue light acne therapy?
A few yeas ago, doctors at Hammersmith Hospital in London carried out some tests where they discovered that acne exposed to UV (ultra violet) light appeared to clear up significantly. However, doctors did not favour the method of using UV light because of its increased risk of skin cancer.

Instead, they started to use a blue and red light mixture which does not contain the potentially damaging UV aspect. Over a twelve week period, doctors carried out tests which involved using a lightbox that produced blue and red light wavelengths. The patients, who had moderate to mild cases of acne, would be exposed to this light source for about 15 minutes daily. At the end of the test period, it was found that this treatment reduced the amount of spots that patients had by three quarters. This is a significant amount and much better than most other active treatments available at that time. However, the results did not reach significant levels.

What doctors had discovered though was that the combination of the red and blue lights did two things: 1) it attacked bacteria that contributed to the acne 2) it promoted healing in the skin affected.

In other words, acne treatment using blue-red light (and probably by combining anti-inflammatory and antibacterial action) is deemed to be an effective method for treating acne vulgaris of mild to moderate severity. And a major plus factor is that there appeared to be no significant adverse effects in the short-term.

About the Author:
Kimberly Banks is a successful webmaster and publisher of Her informative website offers advice on how to get rid of acne,
acne laser surgery and acne scar removal.
Added: 12 Oct 2006
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Saturday, January 13, 2007

What Are Acne Facials?

A great many men and women, especially those around high school age, are very conscious (almost paranoid) about their skin and its appearance. The desire to have skin that looks young and healthy has caused many people to employ a lot of precautions to protect their skin from any and all damage that might result in acne.

We sometimes forget that the human skin itself is an organ. In fact, it is the biggest organ of the body, and performs several vital functions. The skin shields our bodies from outside contaminants preventing them from entering our bodies by forming a protective barrier between the environment and us. The skin also serves as a transfer mechanism allowing the release of toxins generated inside our body.

Acne is one of the largest, and most common skin problems facing millions of people of every age group, and gender the world over. Due to the magnitude of this problem, medicinal manufacturers are constantly working to develop more effective acne products.

Acne facials can be a great help in minimizing blemishes, and skin blotches often caused by acne. An acne facial is basically a deep skin treatment that hydrates and cleanses the skin to help rejuvenate it.

There are several choices available, both on and offline, when looking to purchase an acne facial. It is a good idea to speak with a dermatologist who can help determine your personal requirements before deciding which acne facial to buy. Things you wouldn't think of yourself, such as skin type, sebum level, and skin sensitivity. These details must all be taken into account when making that decision.

Another consideration regarding the use of acne facials is your age. Most experts agree that this form of acne treatment should be taken by people who are in their mid to late 20s. If you are younger and tempted to try this method, be certain to discuss the possibility with your dermatologist. There may be better options for you.

A typical acne facial begins with a thorough skin cleansing, followed by a skin massage, and steam treatment. The process concludes with a facemask. What exactly does the acne facial accomplish? Its main purpose is the removal of the dead outer layer of skin cells that make up the epidermis (the shell or outermost layer of our skin). It also has a secondary purpose; the cleaning of environmental pollutants from the skin, and the bacteria that accumulates on the epidermis.

Another important part of an acne facial is the massage. The resulting improved blood circulation to the skin eases the lymphatic drainage (draining of toxins and waste from the skin). In addition, the massage part of the acne facial helps the facial muscles to relax.

The steam treatment part of the acne facial helps to soften both white, and blackheads for easier removal.

The final step in an acne facial is the use of a facemask. This facemask helps to tone and clarify the skin. Facemasks are especially effective in the treating of dry skin that is also affected by acne.

About The Author:
Carl DiNello is an Article Author whose articles are featured on websites covering the Internets most popular topics.
To read more on this topic, please visit Acne Information & Resources!
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Submitted: 2006-10-24
Article Source: GoArticles

Friday, January 12, 2007

Acne Treatment- All About Isotretinoin

Isotretinoin is one of the proven drugs for severe acne and acne that does not respond to other therapies. Isotretinoin effectively clears acne, but one must know more about how to use Isotretinoin and the possible side effects to get the best out of it. Let us discuss all about Isotretinoin.

What Is Isotretinoin

Isotretinoin is a retinoid. That means that it is derived from Vitamin A. The chemical name of Isotretinoin is 13-cis retinoic acid. Isotretinoin is a very effective drug for acne. It is normally prescribed for severe acne when other therapies fail. Isotretinoin should be taken very carefully because it can produce birth defects in fetus. While taking Isotretinoin, you should be always in contact with your doctor and report any side effect. You should also discuss about any possible pregnancy with your doctor if you are sexually active. Isotretinoin generally gives relief in severe acne and is a drug of choice for acne patients who may have lost hope about cure of their acne.


Isotretinoin is prescribed for acne treatment. Isotretinoin works in treating acne by shrinking the sebaceous glands and reducing sebum production. Isotretinoin is anti-inflammatory and removes comedones. The treated skin is dry and inhibits the growth of acne bacteria. Isotretinoin is prescribed in case of severe acne, scarring acne, moderate acne that is not responding to other medication and every case of acne where doctor feels that Isotretinoin should be prescribed to get rid of acne. Isotretinoin may also be used for some other conditions that include- folliculitis, seborrhoea, chloracne and other diseases that look like acne.

The dosage of Isotretinoin will depend upon the severity of acne, body weight, other treatments being used at the same time etc. Your doctor is the best person to decide about the dose. Normally the treatment begins with small dose and as body adjusts to Isotretinoin the does is increased. Doctors also monitor the cure during this period and if they find that patient is not responding, they may stop the therapy. As Isotretinoin needs fat to help its absorption in body, it is taken after food. Please follow your doctors advise about these.

Side Effects- The common side effects of Isotretinoin are dry mouth, dry nose, thinning of hair, fatigue, dry skin, red itchy eyes, sore lips etc. If you experience any other side effects such as muscle aches, difficult walking, depression vomiting etc. please talk to your doctor immediately. Please discuss about side effects with your doctor before beginning of the treatment with Isotretinoin and report any expected or unexpected side effect immediately. Please note that you may not be able to wear your contact lenses for some time in the beginning of treatment with Isotretinoin. You are also not supposed to donate any blood while you are taking Isotretinoin and for one month after you stop taking it. Please talk about do's and don't with your doctor. You also must tell your doctor about any medicine or Vitamins that you are taking. You are not supposed to take any medicines without consulting your doctor while taking Isotretinoin.

Isotretinoin and Pregnancy

Isotretinoin can cause serious defects in the fetus. Therefore you should inform your doctor if you are pregnant. You should also tell your doctor if you plant to become pregnant or breast-feeding. You have to test yourself for pregnancy before you begin Isotretinoin and continue getting tested while taking Isotretinoin. Your doctor will explain the details to you. If you get pregnant while taking Isotretinoin you should stop taking it and call your doctor immediately. You must adopt two reliable methods of birth control for one month before taking Isotretinoin, continue while taking Isotretinoin and till after one month of stopping Isotretinoin. You should talk to your gynecologist and dermatologist in detail before taking Isotretinoin.

This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.

About the Author:
The author C.D.Mohatta writes articles on skin problems, skin treatments and skin care. You can visit for more information about how to have good skin. You can read articles, advice and ideas at on love, dating, marriage, relationships, break-ups, etc. You can use free love and romance ecards from to send your love messages to your darling.
Article Source: ArticleWarehouse

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Treating Adult Acne With Anti-aging Moisturizers

Softening the skin and relieving wrinkles with anti-aging moisturizers is becoming a welcome and effective method of treating acne. To date there is a large and growing number of people, especially adult women, who have benefited from new techniques that not only reduce acne but also improve aging skin.

There is connection between anti-aging and acne. In the 1970’s two Dermatologists, Dr. Eugene Van Scott, and Dr. Albert Klingman begin investigating vitamin A as an alternative to benzoyl peroxide for the treatment of acne. Benzoyl peroxide is the active ingredient in most over-the-counter acne remedies. such as Proactiv, Clearasil and others. Dr Klingman eventually developed Retin A, a derivative of vitamin A, and Dr. Van Scott began working with the structurally similar Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs). Neither of these researchers attracted much attention until it was noted that women using these substances for acne were experiencing a reduction in skin wrinkling. Retin A and AHAs quickly became most widely used anti-aging skin care ingredients worldwide.

Acne and Wrinkling share the same problematic skin condition: excessive undetached dead skin tissue building up on the skin’s surface. This stiffens the skin. Wrinkles result because a less flexible outer layer of skin creases the underlying growing tissue. The skin thus increasingly grows into deeper and more pronounced lines. Acne results when this dead skin tissue clogs pores and inhibits the normal passage of oils and moisture, causing whiteheads or blackheads and eventually pimples. Both AHAs and Benzoyl peroxide, however, can relieve this condition by exfoliating this dry outermost layer of the skin.

The problem is that benzoyl peroxide, while it is effective in removing oil, dries out the skin thus increasing the amount of dead skin tissue on the surface of the skin. This in turn clogs pores. For most women however, using moisturizers to relieve this dryness is not an option. The oils and waxes used in moisturizers aggravate acne because they compound pore blockage.

Several companies have worked to solve this problem and have developed moisturizers for acne prone skin. Murad and Olay have developed a number of products. At Niora, we have worked to solve this problem by creating moisturizers formulated with specially emulsified jojoba oil. Jojoba oil, while intensely moisturizing, is a fine oil with a far smaller molecular weight than sebum, or skin oil. Jojoba penetrates these heavier skin oils, unclogging pores and dissolving nascent blackheads and whiteheads. Because of Niora’s emulsification process, dissolved sebum and excess oils rinse free leaving the skin soft and clean.

These lighter moisturizers can be blended with alpha hydroxy acids, which in turn exfoliate the skin and work to prevent excessive tissues from building, back up in the pores. Typically these types of exfoliating cleansers must be used daily to be effective, but they replace normal moisturizers and cleansers and fit easily into most skin care regimes.

These new skin care products thus offer the best of both worlds: an effective acne treatment that moisturizes the skin and reduces wrinkling. To date thousands of women have successfully used these new products demonstrating that the best acne treatment might well be anti-aging skin care.

About the Author:
Paul Resnick
Niora is the manufacturer of the sensitive skin friendly anti-aging acne treatment, Alpha Clear. Niora has created fine anti-aging skin care since 1989. Niora
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Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Acne Treatment: Options For A Solution For Young Women

There are many options for acne treatment. If you are like most, you have tried many and have not found the right solution to your needs. This is common for individuals simply because they do not know what they should be doing. Will the over the counter products work on your acne? Will you need to have a laser treatment in order to make it finally go away? The problem with acne treatment is that what works for one individual will not work for someone else.

What Do I Do?

The first thing that anyone that has acne needs to do is to have a good face cleansing regimen. Acne skin care is vital to getting rid of the acne in the first place. For this, you will need a good quality facial cleanser at the very least. Consider where acne comes from and you will understand this idea. Acne is caused by bacteria that get into the warm, wet pores in your face. They multiply there and the body reacts. The actual acne is an infection on the skin. So, proper acne skin care can help simply by removing the bacteria from your face.

But, that is likely to not be enough. Often, you will need to use an acne medication or an acne treatment. These can be purchased over the counter to be used. The fact is that something that works for you may or may not work for someone else. The acne treatment can be hit and miss then. Another option that you have that has shown great progress is that of using natural acne treatments. These too can be found throughout the web.

Acne skin care is essential to your health. What is the best acne treatment? That will depend on your specific need and your body’s chemistry. You’ll find that there are acne medications that do work and they work very well. Take care of acne now can help you to avoid needing acne scar removal later.

About the Author:
Oliver Turner
We have made a research to find the best acne treatments. Find it only on the Best natural acne treatments reviews website. All about acne treatments on LeanderNet -
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Tuesday, January 09, 2007

What Are The Causes Of Acne?

Acne is perhaps the most common of all skin conditions, particularly in young adults and teenagers. While acne is usually little more than an embarrassing nuisance, severe cases of acne can result in some of the pimples becoming cystic, which can be quite painful.

Acne is typically caused by excess oil production and bacterial infection. While it was once believed that eating certain foods, such as chocolate and greasy French fries, was also a cause of acne, this has been by and large proven to be incorrect.

The occurrence of acne in infants is a common condition. Infant acne will generally occur on the babys cheek but may often cover the forehead and also the chin. If the condition persists it is advised that a physician examine the infant, to determine if there exists a genetic predisposition in acne development.

The American Academy of Dermatology has stated that there are several reasons for the cause of acne in teenagers. One is the result of excessively productive sebaceous glands and also bacterial reproduction at an abnormal pace. Treatments can involve using antibiotics, which are efficient in destroying propionibacterium acnes, which is the primary cause of acne.

During puberty, excess reproduction usually occurs in teenage boys due to hormonal changes in the body. This increase in sebum production may often result in skin lesions. Consequently, it is considerably possible that teenage boys are more likely to experience this form of acne.

Adult acne may often get worse during pregnancy because of hormonal changes in womens body. In several cases, oral contraceptives are often applied as treatment to improve conditions dealing with adult acne. Alcohol, emotional and psychological stress and hot foods can intensify the condition.

There are a number of over the counter treatments for acne. Special cleansing agents can be purchased that reduce the amount of facial oil. This may have some beneficial effect on the occurrence of acne, but they can also damage the skin and cause rashes that result from excess dryness.

Topical antibacterial creams can sometimes be more effective, as they kill the actual bacteria that cause pimples and blackheads. More severe cases of acne can be successfully treated using oral antibiotics as well as other oral medications that gradually reduce the production of facial oils.

In addition to medical treatments, there are a number of acne home cures and remedies that, while never scientifically proven to be effective, are nevertheless commonly used. While some of these might actually be useful, most are a bit dubious. One common home cure is to combine ground nutmeg with milk and apply to the site of the acne for one to two hours.

Another popular acne home treatment is to apply a mixture of honey and cinnamon to the site of the acne and let it remain overnight. While this sounds like a nice topping for toast, whether or not it can actually treat or prevent acne is not one that is likely to be answered.

Home remedies for acne have been around for years, but none have been found to be seriously effective. The best treatment for acne is to consult with your physician to determine which course of treatment would be most effective for your particular situation.

Disclaimer: All content within this articles is provided for general information only, and should not be treated as a substitute for the medical advice of your own doctor or any other health care professional. Always consult your own doctor if you're in any way concerned about your health.

About The Author:
John Ward Is The Webmaster at the Acne Relief Guide Site. Subscribe NOW For Free Acne Report " Acne - Truth and Myths!"Click Here NOW For More Information On Acne Treatments
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Monday, January 08, 2007

Natural Herbal Acne Cures

Do natural herbal acne cures work? Check your PC, and you'll find that over-the counter and prescription acne remedies can all have possible unpleasant side effects.

So its tempting to believe that you can better manage those troublesome spots with 'pure natural herbal' acne treatment.

But is this the case?.

Lets have a look at some of the most popular herbs that have been touted - sometimes for hundreds of years around the world - as safe, effective acne cures, plus any scientific research done on them.

If you decide to purchase any of these as preparations, be sure to use them exactly as advised. Consult beforehand with a professional if you are pregnant, breast feeding,or suffer from any medical condition likely to be aggravated by usage.

Also - we all have individual reactions - discontinue use of any herbal acne remedy immediately if you suffer any bad reactions whatever. Treat them as you would any other acne medication.

OK, Here are some top contenders

1/ Burdock The herb burdock (Arctium lappa), popular in US, Asia and Europe for hundreds of years as part of a popular drink as well as an acne treatment. Be warned, its bitter on its own! Can be bought as an extract, tablets or in combination with other herbs like yellow dock, and red clover. There is evidence the tablets do have an internal cleansing action, but no solid scientific evidence, it does act as an acne cure.

Though its a common weed, don't collect it yourself, and only buy from reputable sources- the roots of burdock closely resemble those of belladonna or deadly nightshade (Atropa belladonna), and there is some risk that amateur burdock preparations could become contaminated with these potentially dangerous herbs.

There is also some evidence that burdock can lower blood sugar. Hence those with diabetes should avoid burdock as an acne treatment.

2/ Tea tree oil - this popular leaf extract from one species (Melaleuca alternifolia) of the Australian tea tree does seem to act as a natural acne cure. A scientific trial compared skin application of 5% tea tree oil to the most common acne treatment, 5% benzoyl peroxide (normally sold over the counter at 2-5%) for common acne.

Although the tea tree oil acted more slowly than benzoyl peroxide on spots, it had far fewer unpleasant side effects and was regarded as more effective overall.

Also, unlike benzoyl peroxide, tea tree oil doesnt bleach your clothes! It has caused allergic reactions in some people,can dry the skin when used alongside other acne remedies, and should not be taken by mouth.

3/ Aloe - This herb has gained world wide popularity a natural acne herbal remedy.Can be applied as juice gel or ointment,or drunk (bitter again), but does have a drying action on the skin, so should be used with a moisturizer. Said to be slow acting, taking 6 months or more.

So far there is some evidence that its good for the bowels and has some anti-inflammatory and wound healing action, but no conclusive evidence aloe is an effective herbal acne treatment

Side effects? Nothing major externally, but if taken internally, it's a laxative- so do not take high dosages

4/ Wild Basil Oil (Ocimum gratissimum) . Not so popular with the herbalists, but a study showed a 2% alcohol solution of Brazilian Wild Basil Oil was a better acne treatment than 10% benzoyl peroxide lotion!

You can already buy basil oil fro a herbalist, or boil the leaves and apply a cooled poultice of the 'tea' to the affected parts.

I'm looking into herbal remedies for acne further...

So should you. Good luck!

About the Author:
Michael madigan
To read the other part of this report ,and gain further information on acne treatment and acne remedies, visit Mick Madigan's Acne Index at
Added: 20 Oct 2006
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Friday, January 05, 2007

Adult Acne: Nothing To Be Embarrassed About!

Adult Acne is not something to feel embarrassed about. Though the general notion is that acne and pimple outbreaks are for prepubertal and teenaged populations, adult acne is not unusual. A majority of adults, who were lucky to be 'acne free' during their teenage years and who saw the desperation of their peers trying to combat acne, feel mortified when they find that just when they assumed they were free of acne for ever, they have become afflicted by adult acne.

Most of the adults are confused and embarrassed. They wonder, isn't acne an adolescent problem? But the truth remains that adult acne is more widespread than imagined. Statistics show that in the United States alone, nearly 40% of all acne cure products are purchased and used by adult acne sufferers.

What is the reason behind adult acne? Well. It is not one but many. However, the most universally attributed cause, that of bad personal hygiene, is a myth. Nearly all acne cases even adult acne, are a direct consequence of blocked pores on the skin or hormonal imbalances. Faulty closing of facial hair ducts or infection of the oil glands are a probable cause of adult acne.

The good news is that acne can be cured to a greater or lesser degree. The bad news is that most adults, in their zeal to overcome the embarrassment of an adult acne outbreak, try the first remedy they can lay their hands on from their neighborhood drugstore. Little do they think that this could do more harm than good to their acne problem. The remedies found over the counter cater to acne problems of the majority of the younger populations. These medications and remedies might not have the potency or the capacity to deal with adult acne because the reasons of which may vary to a great degree.

Adult acne demands tougher remedies despite the fact that adult acne is no different from regular acne. So what should be the first step to cure adult acne? A good idea is to consult the dermatologist to determine the underlying cause of what caused adult acne. The next step after the diagnosis is done is to use simple prescription drugs to eradicate the acne problem forever.

However, there is one important piece of advice. All adult acne sufferers need not be embarrassed about their problem. Like I stated above, adult acne is commoner than imagined. So which option do you feel is better? To make that one visit to the dermatologist to do away with your acne problem or to spend a fortune at the local pharmacist in trying to find the elixir for acne in addition to the fear and worry that comes with it? Think about it. The choice is yours.
Now YOU Can Quickly And Easily Find Up To Date Information About Adult Acne For FREE! For more tips, resources and articles all about Adult Acne, All For FREE:Visit now!

About the Author:
Rene Francis
Article Source: ArticleWarehouse

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Why dermatologists are unable to cure acne.

In the scientific community, there are many smart people. Dermatologists have studied extensively and were once rated one of the smartest people in their class. So why is it that the smartest people society has to offer have failed to find a cure for a seemingly easy disease called acne?

There are many conspiracy theories such as 'the pharmaceutical companies want to keep selling their products to sufferers on an on-going basis' but I digress. The main reason that the cure has not been found is because the scientific community is characterizing acne as the whole disease and not as a symptom of something much bigger. The overall Western health system is based on treating the symptoms instead of the actual root of the problem, which is an unhealthy body.

Imagine a lake with an insect problem. Huge numbers of insects are ravaging the lake and the Western medical world decides to dump a bunch of pesticide all over the lake. Of course, this pesticide will kill a lot of the bugs for the first year. Unfortunately, the second year, the bugs will develop an immunity to the pesticide and come back even stronger. So what happens? The western world decides to dump even more pesticide, and this time a slightly different one that is more powerful. Once again, all the insects die. However, the lake is highly contaminated with massive amounts of pesticide. Two years later, the insects develop a resistance and come back stronger than ever, completely taking over the lake which has otherwise been killed by pesticides. This is the western way of applying creams and taking antibiotics.

Now imagine that instead of applying all these pesticides, we introduced a pump in the water, or opened up the lake to a nearby stream so it could have some circulating water. The stagnant water would disappear, the insects would naturally subside over a few years and the balance of the lake would return. Now, the lake would be healthy, permanently.

This is how treating acne by concentrating on the source of the problem works, but unfortunately none of this is being done in North America. The result is that North Americans will forever have a temporary solution which poisons their body instead of making it a healthier place. That's ok, because acne ridden individuals will be less likely to produce offspring and the law of natural selection will eventually weed them out.

Upcoming discussion about the power of foods for acne

About The Author:
Eric Lancheres, B.Sc Environmental science, writes for the world's largest acne home remedy site. He also runs a multi-million dollar company and discusses his triumphs and perils in the business section.
Submitted: 2006-10-26
Article Source: GoArticles