Sunday, July 29, 2007

Adult Acne - How To Deal With It

We are all rather familiar with acne, we either had it, know someone who had it or are currently suffering with it. Acne affects nearly 40 million people in the United States alone. It can start anytime between the ages of 12 and 25 and when it hits, well it hits with a vengeance. A growing number of adult women in their twenties and thirties are getting adult acne, even if they never suffered with acne before. The problem with acne is that there is no known cure.

Yes we are bombarded all over the place to buy this "miracle cure" and try this "amazing product" and so often a person who is afflicted with this skin problem will hope and pray that this will be the answer that they are looking for. Just this one time this is going to be the one thing that actually does work. Then because it proves not to be the "miracle cure" they were promised they end up frustrated and disappointed.

So how does one deal with acne? More particularly how does one deal with adult acne? Well, to just give up and resign oneself to the supposed inevitable is not the answer either. You see adult acne is much like being over weight in that you don't feel good about yourself; your self esteem takes a major knock and you are convinced that when people look at you they do not see YOU but are rather focused on just the area that is riddled with acne. You hate going out in public, you do not want people to look at you because you hate looking at yourself. I know this because I have been there.

Adult acne is embarrassing. It is one thing if you were a teenager because society seems to be more accepting; it is what almost the "norm" is for teenagers. People sympathize and "tut tut" it away as just a natural process of life. I'm not taking away for one moment what teenagers go through (they have "strange" hormones to deal with on top of it all) but there seems to be a stigma attached to adult acne. People just look at you differently.

There seems to be this misconception that if you suffer from adult acne you don't wash your face and you must be dirty. Just like in the case of someone who is overweight people don't sit back and think that it may most likely be due to hormonal changes and/ or sometimes it may just be hereditary. It seems to be in people's nature to assume the worse.

Acne doesn't just lead to physical scars (which are really depressing and more damaging to the psyche) but more concerning it leads to emotional scarring. Well your choices in dealing with adult acne can be put into two categories. You can "roll over and just accept" that this is your lot in life or you can become active, take charge and find ways to help the situation. Acne may not be curable but it can be controlled and eventually you may even grow out of it.

Let's take a quick look at what acne is and once we understand how it comes about we can look at how to deal with it. Acne is generally characterized by black heads, white heads, red bumps (also known as blind pimples) and in some cases scarring. Acne is the result of overactive oil glands at the base of the hair follicles that become blocked or inflamed. It may appear anywhere on the body but it tends to be primarily on the face.

There are different forms of acne; mild inflammatory acne, moderate to severe inflammatory acne and severe acne. The problem with acne treatments is that what works for one person may not work for the next. Due to how severe your acne may be you will need to find out which is the best course of action for you. This is best done seeking the advice of your health practitioner or a dermatologist. However you can do a few things to help yourself.

As tempting as it may be DO NOT SQUEEZE OR PICK AT YOUR FACE. It may be tempting and you may just want to get rid all the spots and you think that by squeezing them all out you will be rid of it once and for all. Well if only it was that simple. It is not. The pus (and thus the germs) spreads across your face causing you more acne, or you just end up pushing the pus deeper into your skin causing more of an infection. In some cases you are left with scars. Scaring brings on a whole different level of anxiety and depression. Do not spend too much time in the sun. There seems to be this myth that the sun will "cure" your acne. The hope seems to be that it will dry up the oily glands. But how will it when the follicles are blocked? You see the sun damages your follicular walls causing further blockage and in turn more acne. The sunlight also produces free radicals in the skin which diminishes the skins ability to heal.

There has been no scientific evidence that has proven that acne and diet are related. I have read various reports saying that acne and diet are related and some say that there is no relation whatsoever. So not affirmed either way but cut down on some foods and see if it makes a difference at all. Maybe you have an allergy that aggravates the situation.

Start with the highly refined sugars and things like seafood, mushrooms and salt. Deep fried food is generally not good for your over all health and some say that it is really bad for your skin. Drink more water, water flushes your body of toxins and so in turn is a great internal way of aiming for that healthier looking skin.

Stay away from coffee. It does not matter if it has caffeine in it or not. Coffee stimulates the production of cortisol. Cortisol is a hormonal steroid that the body produces when it is under stress. (Stress does not cause acne but it certainly aggravates it) Cortisol helps our bodies maintain homeostasis during time of stress yet it causes problems when it stays is our body for a long period of time because what cortisol does is it destroys tissue, which then releases small protein molecules from the destroyed cells. These remainders of cell-protein partly end up in the skin which ends up contributing to acne. Watch out for foods packed with hormones. It does not help hormonal acne.

Interesting fact, non Westernized people did not suffer from acne until their diet changed to what we eat and then oops they joined our ranks in the acne department. The problem is that so much of our diet tends to rob us of vitamins and minerals that are essential for good healthy skin. Vitamin A has been known to be a great preventative of acne. Give it a try, eat less "junk" and more fresh fruit and vegetables high in antioxidants, there is no harm in it and maybe it will help. Remember acne is not caused by dirt and so DO Not scrub your face. It generally makes the acne worse. You aggravate the glands that produce the oil and they then produce more oil and then spread the bacterium that causes your acne around the face making it worse. Don't use a face cloth because germs tend to stick to them and then you are just smearing them all over your face. Your hands are the best thing to use and they are a lot gentler on your skin too. Smoking does not cause acne but it does make the skin look unhealthy and so much older, this is because the nicotine reduces the blood circulation to your skin. Some case studies have shown that smoking can irritate the acne, making it worse. Avoid things that rub against your skin, like collars, don't wear too much make up and when you do choose products that are oil free or are made specifically bearing acne in mind. These products would be "non-comedogenic" or "non-acnegenic." Wash your hair as often as you need to and keep it off your face. Bear in mind the following when receiving advice about your acne: Most over-the-counter acne treatments are topical and the most popular ones contain Benzoyl Peroxide. The problem is that once you stop the treatment the acne just flares up again and some people say that as the skin becomes used to it so the effectiveness of it lessens. Benzoyl Peroxide is also known to cause excessive dryness, and for some people itchiness which then further irritates the skin. It is also a bleach so be careful when using it that it does not ruin your clothes. Antibiotics tend to aim at inhibiting bacteria. The problem is bacteria are not the cause of acne. The irony is that bacteria are essential in keeping the skin flexible and inhibiting it just speeds up the aging process. Then of course it needs to be remembered that antibiotics are also well known for reducing a person's immune system.

I am not going to give you a whole list of unpronounceable names of various chemicals found in anti-acne treatments but I am going to give you a run down of what some of the side effects are. After all that is what matters most. * Liver disease (sometimes resulting in a needed transplant) * Jaundice and life threatening psuedomembranous colitis. * Autoimmune disease, acute inflammation of the lung and a blue black disclouring of your skin, mucous membranes, nails, adult teeth and Internal organs. * Benign intracranial hypertension. Early warning signs are headaches, nausea, vomiting and visual disturbances. Decreased night vision, inflammatory bowel disease, an increase in the size of your bones, raised cholesterol levels. * Heart risks * Further skin problems. As if acne is not enough you suffer too from dry skin, skin fragility, itching, nosebleeds, inflammation and cracking of lips. Eczema like rash, thinning of hair, peelings of palms and soles of feet, skin infections, gastrointestinal problems, urogenital problems and tiredness. Then to top the list off you also have things like seizures, dizziness, nervousness, insomnia, depression (as if the acne hadn't caused enough now the "cure" adds to it too) gum inflammation, arthritis and so we can go on but I think you have got the point. I am not trying to scare you off finding what can help your acne, just informing you of what some of these products may do to you. Don't loose hope, acne can be controlled and in many cases people do find what aggravates or causes it through trial and error. Don't give up and you will eventually find the solution that works best for you.

Article By: Michelle Ludick

About the Author:
Michelle Ludick lives in Johannesburg, South Africa with her husband and two small children. Her interest in health and the health of her family led to her webite Michelle sufferd from acne too and so knows first hand the anxiety and frustration that can accompany it.
Submitted: 2006-10-23
Article Source: GoArticles

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Nothing Mythical About Having Acne - Acne Myths Debunked

There are many acne myths around today. Although many of these myths have been proved wrong by scientists and dermatologists, many people still believe in these myths.

So today I’m going to debunk some of these acne myths once and for all.

Let’s start with washing. Having acne isn’t down to not washing on a daily basis (twice a day). Washing your face too much will only make your condition much worse than it already is. This is because to much washing will agitate your skin.

Second – Has anyone ever told you that chocolate will give you acne? Well they were wrong. Eating too much of “bad” foods such as chocolate or greasy foods will not make your acne worse. But if you eat this sort of food regularly, you will have poor nutrition. And this will lead to a worsening of your acne.

Just remember that these foods are life’s little luxuries. There is no harm in eating a little bit of chocolate or greasy foods now and again, but you shouldn’t live on them, okay?

Third – Stress. Please do not let stress take the blame for why you have acne. Although some people think stress is causing their acne, this isn’t true. Teenage acne is thought to be caused primarily due to hormones. But some forms of adult acne can be stress related.

Fourth – Tanning or exposure to sun will help reduce acne to some degree, but after a certain point it will makes your condition worse. It is more of a cover up than a cure. There’s no harm in catching a little sunshine, but it isn’t a cure… and in the long run, it will do more harm than good.

I hope this article has been able to dispel a few of the most common myths about what causes acne.

About the Author:
Liam Char is a former acne sufferer, who overcame his acne problem and now helps others do the same online. To find out more about acne treatments, and find the Best Acne Treatment for you, be sure to visit his blog at
Article Submitted On: October 30, 2006
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Friday, July 20, 2007

Acne: An Adult Dilemma as Well

Acne is often regarded as a major teenager's problem. Although there are several adults who also suffers from what we call “adult acne”. Adults in their twenties and beyond can still experience acne, and the negative effects of stress adds to the strain of having it pop up in their face.

Studies show that mental stress can be a major cause in developing acne for adults. Moreover, women are likely to suffer from it because they are more exposed to stress which they acquire throughout their daily lifestyle. They are also prone to hormonal imbalances, especially at times when they have their monthly menstruation and during pregnancy.

The environment is another factor in developing adult acne. If your surroundings are always dirty, most likely all the dust will be carried through the wind and eventually land on your face. If left unwashed, these dust and dirt can clog up your pores and infect them making the pore inflamed.

Just like teen acne, the best treatment that you can avail of is maintaining proper skin care and a healthy personal hygiene. Take a bath everyday, and use mild soap only so that your acne wont further develop into an infection.

Also watch out for your diet. Drink enough water and exclude from your meal some oily foods. Eat more fruits and vegetables.

Take enough sleep and rest. It will relax your skin pores and eventually prevent acne from developing.

The lifestyle of an adult is an important factor in the appearance of adult acne as well. Avoid drinking liquor, alcohol-based beverages and smoking. It will just make your face riddled with acne.

You can also take some acne medications like skin care products and skin treatments. Just see your dermatologist so that he/she can determine which treatment would be right for you.

About the Author:
Article written by Hector Milla, editor of , a website pointing proactive acne solution , visit their web log for daily news about acne at , thanks for publish this article in your website or ezine keeping a live link.
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Tuesday, July 17, 2007

TCA Skin Peel: Cost-Effective Way to Treat Acne

Acne, pimples, sunspots, age spots, wrinkles and other blemishes are skin conditions that plague people the world over. The global beauty industry already makes billions of dollars every year as women everywhere embark on quests to preserve (or achieve) a youthful, glowing appearance. Responding to this need, dermatologists, and other specialists continue to look for the best and safest possible treatments and formulations to combat skin ailments, the most common of which is acne.

Apart from the services offered at skin clinics, many creams, gels and ointments that claim to treat acne, diminish sun or age spots and enhance skin elasticity are widely available in the market. There are scrubs, cleansers, masks, over-the-counter skin medicine and skin peel formulations, all offered at various price ranges. Most can be bought at department stores or drugstores, but the fact is that very few of these so- called “miracle” products actually work. And the latest medical research has shown that what does work as a proven treatment for acne, are skin peels. Plastic surgeon Dr. Keith Leiberman explains: “Unlike other techniques, TCA skin peels get to the root of the problem with acne, resulting in tremendously effective results - leaving the patient with noticeably fresher, smoother skin and great texture…without the acne! ”

The TCA peel, or trichloroacetic acid skin peel, is recommended by many doctors and skin specialists as it is a medium-strength treatment that is among the safest, most effective, as well as easiest to use. It sloughs off layers of dull dead skin that may cover up the source of acne. It also enhances the blood flow and circulation in the skin, promoting skin cell rejuvenation and the build up of skin-strengthening collagen and elastin.

Conventional skin peel treatments that involve suction-type dermabrasion can cause further damage, as it can bruise the skin and break some small blood vessels. Those who wish to treat their acne and other skin problems with TCA can control the strength of the treatment by starting off with a weak solution and gradually working their way up to more concentrated mixtures as needed.

TCA can be mixed with other previously prepared creams such as Obagi or applied directly. It is important to remember that TCA skin peels should not exceed more than 20 minutes on one’s skin. The time limit generally depends on the strength or concentration of the mixture and the type of skin. Because of the chemical content, doctors recommend applying a neutralizer, such as a simple mixture of baking soda and water, to calm and stabilize the skin after the TCA peel is applied. Users should wait about six months before applying another treatment.

TCA peels are great for treating acne and less expensive than clinic or spa-based treatments. Websites such as offer this effective product at a fraction of the price one would normally pay per session or treatment at salons and spas. The set offered by this particular website is priced at under $30.00 and includes one ounce of medical-grade 50%-concentrate TCA skin peel (good enough for about 30 treatments) as easy-to-follow instructions by a licensed practitioner. Why pay hundreds of dollars when you can do this treatment at home? Apart from the 50%-concentrate, many suppliers also offer as low as an 8%-concentrate TCA skin peel for users with more sensitive skin.

About the Author:
David Maillie is a chemist and an alumni of Cornell University and specializes in biochemical synthesis for public, private, and governmental interests. He can be reached at M.D. Wholesale:
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Sunday, July 15, 2007

Adults Don't Get Acne! Do They?

Skin problems not only effect those in their teens, adult acne is also a very common occurrence, in today's society. Adult women are more apt to suffer from acne than men. Adult men are at higher risk in terms of permanent scaring, caused by acne problems. Contrary to what most people think, adult acne is NOT caused by improper hygiene.

In truth, acne is caused by a number of different things. Oily skin, hair ducts that do not close as they should and infection are three key factors which lead to skin problems. These factors remain the same, in both adults and teens. (How's that for thinking you wouldn't get acne, because you are an adult.)

Pimples occur when dead skin, small deposits of fatty tissue and keratin get clogged in a hair duct. When the duct is open, this clogging produces a "blackhead". When the duct is closed, it is referred to as a "whitehead". Because a whitehead is closed, in most cases, it will eventually rupture. This bursting causes the redness and infection of adult acne.

There are many myths associated with adult acne. Dermatologists tell us that acne is not caused by eating chocolate, fish or oily foods. Stress, in itself, does not cause acne. However, there are certain stress-relieving drugs that have been known to cause skin conditions.

Acne does not clear up faster if you wash your face several times a day or sit out in the sun. Acne is not caused by dirt. Washing your face many times a day can actually do more harm than good. Sitting in the sun only darkens your skin and can cause scaring.

Remember, if you are battling a skin condition, you are not alone. There are numerous ways to treat the problem. You do not have to live with adult acne forever!

About the Author:
Dave Robinson
This article was made possible by Visit our site for the latest in acne treatment.
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Wednesday, July 11, 2007

5 Simple Tips To Prevent Acne Breakouts

Acne can be an embarrassing affliction and often times you have a breakout at the worst possible moment like when you are going out on a date or have an important meeting to attend. While there is no known cure for acne there are some simple strategies that you can do to help prevent acne breakouts.

1. Use a gentle face cleanser. No a cleanser is not soap. Soap can dry and irritate the skin which can lead to breakouts which you hardly want. Gentle is the keyword here so use a gentle cleanser twice daily without scrubbing or hard rubbing. A good cleaning routine can help keep your pores clear and clean. If you think that cleaning your face more often will mean it will be cleaner your wrong. Cleaning your face too often can cause more irritation and breakouts so be patient if you are currently facing a breakout as more cleaning won't clear your skin quicker. When washing your face it is a good idea to use warm water to rinse.

2. You have probably heard this a million times before from your parents but don't pop, pinch or squeeze your pimples. While you want to get rid of the visible signs of your acne as quickly as possible popping them or squeezing them isn't going to do you or your skin any long term good. Not only can it lead to scarring which can be just as worse as having breakouts but it can also irritate your skin leading to further breakouts and the cycle begins again. If you have the urge to pick or squeeze your pimples the simple answer is don't.

3. Use medication. If you are suffering from regular acne breakouts and the regular acne treatments you find at the local drug store not helping then you will want to consider seeking medical advice. Doctors will be able to assess your acne condition and prescribe suitable acne medication ranging from topical solutions to anti-bacterial drugs. Doctors can also refer you to a dermatologist which can work with you to prevent acne breakouts.

4. Use sun protection at all times. With the use of medication to help control your acne you are going to be susceptible to the sun and be more sensitive then usual. You will want to always put on a good quality sunscreen before leaving home and to reapply during the day to help protect your skin. When picking a sunscreen look for ones that are oil free for sensitive skins. Wear a hat whenever possible to help shield your face from direct sun exposure and avoid being in the sun for extended periods like at the beach or sitting in the park. There are myths that suggest sun exposure can help reduce your acne breakouts, as far as medical evidence goes there is no supporting study to suggest that sun exposure has any links to the reduction of acne and at worse may even lead to increasing your likelihood of skin cancer so don't risk it.

5. Exercise regularly. You should be trying to exercise regularly each week anyway for overall health and vitality but exercise can also assist with reducing your acne breakouts. Exercise has long been known to help reduce stress and anxiety and this will help reduce acne as one of the causes can often be due to heightened stress levels. Exercising also serves to help cleanse your pores through sweating but you need ensure that you wipe of excess sweat and try to have a shower after strenuous exercise.

About the Author:
Terence Young
For more information and resources on the best acne skincare treatments visit:
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Monday, July 09, 2007

Treat Your Acne With Laser and Destroy The Bacteria For Good

Acne is a skin condition that has quite a number of treatments, but there is no cure.

Whether it is because of diet or environment, it has become a common condition for millions of people. Medical researchers have striven to create the best treatment. With the development of acne laser treatment came new hope for those who suffer from acne. Although the Acne Laser Treatment has been used for less than five years, laser treatment itself has been used for many years as an anti aging treatment. Doctors realized that when using the laser as an acne laser treatment, the results were clearer skin that lasted longer. Millions of people who suffer from acne are seeking this type of treatment.

Unlike a lot of treatments that are available, the acne laser treatment was developed for people who suffer from only acne. The treatment was designed to reduce the scarring that is associated with acne and, in some cases, it eliminates it completely. It also treats acne that is uncontrollable.

Teenagers are seeking out this type of treatment but doctors will only use it as a last resort if all other treatments have failed. Adults have the option of choosing acne laser treatment as their first choice of treatment.

The way that acne laser treatment works is that it either inhibits the glands that produce the oils or eliminates the bacteria that cause acne. Although either method of Acne Laser Treatment is effective, experts believe that inhibiting the gland that produce the oils is a more effective, longer lasting treatment. When a doctor chooses to destroy the bacteria using Acne Laser Treatment, the process involves directing a yellow light to the affected area of the skin. The yellow light from the laser will activate the prophorine that is found in the bacteria to form oxygen that in turn destroys the bacteria. This type of treatment also activates collagen growth in the body. This will assist in minimizing scarring from severe acne.

Acne affects people worldwide no matter their age or creed. Although acne laser treatment is an important development in the treatment of moderate to severe acne, researchers are still striving to find a cure. They are searching for ways to develop methods to it’s full potential of being a possible cure..

It is important to understand exactly what acne laser treatment is and how it works. Experts encourage potential patients to research their options fully and to ask the doctor all of their questions and concerns before the treatment. Even though the results of studies have concluded that acne laser treatments are safe and side effects from this type of treatment are virtually non-existent. Acne laser treatment is fast becoming the number one treatment choice among acne sufferers.

About the Author:
Christain Cullen
If you want to read more information about Natural foods that induce acne, click over to Christain's site at where you will can also find out the connection between Hormones and Acne.
Article Submitted On: October 26, 2006
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Friday, July 06, 2007

Easy And Useful Acne Skin Care Methods

Our skin is one big organ of our body. Hence, when it comes to skin problems such as acne, it is our duty to take good care of our skin in order to put these issues away. There are many ways to prevent acne problems from happening and if it has grown on your face, no worries, there are also ways to control it. Our skin really reflects on how well we take care of it, and it also reflects how healthy our body is. So let us learn some easy and useful acne skin care methods that we can apply to keep our skin clean and healthy.

The first thing to note is to choose the correct acne skin care product. We know that it is important to keep our skin clean. But do you know which type of cleansing product is good for acne skin? As acne is cause by bacteria infesting the skin, we need to get those acne skin care products that counter bacteria. So the next time you buy your face cleansing product, remember to buy those that have antibacterial qualities.

Other than cleaning your face well, you must understand that acne can occur because of excessive oil production on the skin that blocks skin pores which resulted in acne problems. So, if you tackle the oil problems, you effectively prevent acne growth! You will need to consult your dermatologist to find out which products that can help to reduce oil production from your oil glands.

Like I said before, how healthy your body is, will be reflected on your skin. So you really need to take good care of your body as this is the best acne skin care tip. Drink lots of water everyday. This is not only good for your body, it is also good for keeping your skin nice. If our body lacks water and become dehydrated, our skin turns dry and dead, which will cause acne formation. Next increase the amount of fruits and vegetables in your diet to increase the intake of vitamins in your body. Also, brazil nuts and pumpkin seeds are great for acne because they contain selenium and zinc which is helpful to curb acne.

Lastly, do not always stay indoor! Go out for a walk to absorb sunshine and fresh air into your body. Sunlight stimulates vitamin D in our body which is essential for healthy skin. Fresh air also gives our skin a great chance to breathe well. So a bit of sunshine and fresh air will make our skin healthy and shiny. But of course, never leave your skin overexposed under sunlight which is definitely not good for your skin.

So here are the easy and useful acne skin care methods that you can use to keep your skin nice and healthy and acne free!

Click for more info on acne skin care

About the Author:
Christopher Wen is the webmaster for greenHealth information site where he provides articles, news, and remedies to current health issues we faced in our everyday life. Check out his blog at
Submitted: 2006-10-24
Article Source: GoArticles

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Eliminating Acne Scars With Surgical Treatments

With the onset of the 20th century-technology of dermatology, a perfect skin and face is possible to achieve – but you have to be ready to shell out a small fortune. Some Hollywood stars are hard evidence of this reality. But not all of us really wanted that Julia Roberts look; all we really need is a smooth and acne-free skin. One sure-fire way to achieve this dream is to get a surgery.

Acne is one of the leading causes of skin problems. Anyone of any age bracket can be infected with acne at any time. With all the acne products in the market, at least one product can be an effective regime for you but acne itself is not the only problem, the aftermath could be a lot more tragic which is scars. If you want to effectively remove acne scars, then a surgical treatment is an option.

Photorejuvination is one popular treatment for acne. It uses a laser or intense pulse light to eliminate scars due to acne. This procedure is far different from chemical peeling, which makes it a big advantage because you do not need to wait long weeks for your skin to recover. One treatment can take up to 20 minutes. You need to undergo a series of 4-6 sessions. Photorejuvination effectively remove acne scars and makes your skin smooth and evenly toned.

Microdermabrasion is one of the most common solutions to acne scars. Aside from removing scars, it also adds a radiant glow to your face. This type of treatment is best for mild scars and not on the deep imbedded ones. The procedure starts by peeling out dead cells in your facial area and deep cleaning its pores. To illustrate how the treatment works, the concept of microdermabrasion is similar on how vacuum cleaner tidies up your carpet.

Punch Excision is also one kind of acne treatment that is best for ice pick scars caused by acne. If scars are removed and skin layers are secured back, this would bring the dermis back to health.

Laser skin resurfacing is also one option. This combines effective tools like laser, CO2 and YAG laser to remove layers of skin scars. In doing so, the heat produce in the process also helps tighten the skin and to give out the smooth and scar-free skin.

About the Author:
Jason Rickard is the owner of Your Favourite Shop - Offering White Noise and Relaxation CDs - Visit Hapa Health for more articles.
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Monday, July 02, 2007

5 Easy Tips for Treating Acne

If you have even a passing interest in the topic of acne, then you should take a look at the following information. This enlightening article presents some of the latest news on the subject of acne.

You may not consider everything you just read to be crucial information about acne. But don't be surprised if you find yourself recalling and using this very information in the next few days.

1. Avoid Scrubbing and Abrasives

Scrubbing and abrasives should be avoided. Experts have said that they irritate the skin, which should be left intact as a natural barrier against the acne-causing bacteria.

2. Sun for Beautiful Skin

As you may know, sun does kill bacteria, but it doesn't mean that it won't harm the skin. Note that the sun also acts as an astringent that dries, tightens and clogs the skin pores. Thus, you should just spend limited time under the sun. At least 15 minutes to the face and arms daily is enough.

3. Avoid Extremely Cold Weather

If extreme heat causes clogging of the pores, extremely cold weather causes it as well. So, avoid extremely cold weather so you don't freeze and clog pores. It is ideal that you moisturize your face and body, and stay in temperatures ranging from 70 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit.

4. Swimming Does Help

Exercise for stress reduction by swimming in a properly treated indoor swimming pool. But, use the Ozone purified pool if possible. It is interesting to know that the swimming pool water is typically 75 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit, which is well below the normal temperature of 98.6 degrees of your body. Therefore, the swimming water cools your whole body, including the acne affected areas, while providing excellent exercise to the rest of you. This even reduces stress as well as physical attention.

5. Think Clean

Change linens, wash cloths and body towels after each use. It is for the fact that they are great places for acne-causing bacteria to grow and be reapplied to the skin later. Also, wash white facial cloths, pillow covers, as well as personal undergarments daily with Vinegar, tea tree oil or essential oils of Lime, lemon or orange so to lessen the acne-related bacterial development. It is also often suggested that you apply a natural detergent for washing.

Indeed, there are a lot of ways to control and fight acne, but maintaining a healthy lifestyle is so far the best one to consider. It is important to note that healthy lifestyles will lead you to attaining a healthier skin and a healthier body. Changing your unfavorable habits will reward you with better general health, more energy, and clearer skin to show the world.

If you were once afraid to make changes, please don't be. Of course, the initial affects may be hard to grasp at first, but as you go on, you will find out that you can quickly learn to adapt with them.

About the Author:
This article is Copyright © 2006, Heather Colman. Permission is granted to reprint this article as long as no changes are made, and this entire resource box is included. Find more acne resources at
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Sunday, July 01, 2007

What Treatment Is Available For Severe Acne

Severe acne can be detrimental to the thin layers of skinon your forehead and face. It can also cause extremeirritation, resulting in open wounds, puss-filled pores,and unsightly scarring.

This type of acne is quite different than mild or moderatecases. Severe acne needs the immediate attention of aqualified dermatologist and your family practitioner.

Severe or acute acne can be caused by both environmentaland genetic variables. Prevention and treatment are thebest ways to deal with such cases. Seldom does an extremeacne sufferer's skin clear up naturally, but in mostinstances, it actually worsens.

Usually a dermatologist will recommend a combination ofboth topical cream and oral drugs. Several types availableinclude different antibiotics, benzyl peroxides, Tretinoin,Adapalen and the strong, yet effective Azelaic Acid.Antibiotics and this acid can work wonderfully, attackingthe source of inflammation-the bacteria lining thefollicle.

The other topical drug, Tretinoin, is simply a form ofvitamin A that stops the development of comedones, orinflamed hair follicles. While it doesn't necessarily stopthe growth of bacteria, this is a more natural way ofunplugging clogged pores that cause inflammation andlesions, thereby allowing the use of topical antibioticcream to work deeply within the skin.

Another drug that isn't so natural in it's approach are thenewer forms of Retinoid drugs. These drugs are quitepowerful in the way they work. Like Tretinoin, these drugs,often Tazarotene or Adapalen, also help to fight off thedevelopment of comedones or comedo lesions.

These drugs, although not available over the counter (OTC),come in different forms. Similar to OTC drugs, these comein a variety of solutions, gels, lotions and creams. Yourdermatologist will immediately know which type is right foryour skin and prescribe what she or he believes will mosteffectively open pores and fight-off unwanted bacteria.

Dermatologist will routinely ask you which form ofmedication you'd prefer. Creams are good for those withextra sensitive skin, while gels and other solutions tendto make the skin become more dry and irritated. He or shemay recommend one or the other based on gender and/orwhether you live in a hot and humid climate.

At first, your skin may look and feel worse with the use ofsuch strong medications. If the pain becomes unbearable orif you develop a rash or extreme redness of any kind, besure to stop using the product and immediately talk to yourdoctor and dermatologist.

Similarly to OTC treatments, it will take up to eight weeksfor you to actually notice improvements. But, once itbegins to clear, it will make a world of difference to howyour skin looks and feels.

About the Author:
Steve Williams is a freelance writer, who suffered acne for many years. His research into prevention and acne cures have helped him, and other fellow sufferers. Discover useful advice and information about the causes and prevention of acne. Website contains useful articles and updated information on this nasty skin condition. Click ==>
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