Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Acne - A Commonly Ignored Affliction

Acne is such a void topic with almost no other topic less likely to be discussed at parties and in general chat. This is not because it is rare or unknown. On the contrary acne is an amazingly common and dreaded skin infliction that most people just don’t want to know about.

Statistically it is suggested that around 85% of the 12-24 year old age group have acne. But acne is not just a teenagers’ problem. It is well known that a significant proportion of adults are also affected. This appears to be reinforced by statistics provided by the American Dermatologist Association that finds amongst other things that:

• 20% of all adults have active acne
• 60 million Americans have active acne
• 20 million Americans have acne badly enough to cause scars.
• Only 11% of acne sufferers seek help

It is astounding that despite acne being the most common skin disease in America, that the figures showed such a small percentage of acne sufferers will seek assistance despite the suggestion that the disease it fully treatable. This is also quite sad when considering numerous other diseases where there is no stigma attached but treatment may not be so accessible or even possible. From personal experience it is amazing as to how one member of my family has been almost completely ‘unblemished’, and another ends up with scarring from acne of extreme severity which required medication.

There are also a variety of myths in relation to causes of acne such as chocolate and coca cola being a cause for example however these two have been refuted by researchers. With this in mind I believe it is crucial that sufferers do their research and seek assistance possibly saving unnecessary lifestyle modifications or changes.

As each of us are individuals, so to it would appear should be each treatment. What works for one person may have a completely different result with another which is not dissimilar to many medical treatment or therapies.

However one thing is certain, the stigma attached to acne must be dumped and sufferers openly discuss the issue and seek help in relation to the problem. At worst, the amount of online literature about this topic is of immense proportion so if confronting the issue in person with a doctor is undesirable in the first instance, utilize this vast resource to gather information, analyze and commence a plan as to taking action to address the issue.

Teenagers are self conscious enough at anytime without living with an infliction that can be minimized or they could be totally devoid of. Perhaps this is another of the important “life” topics that could be added to schooling along with other crucial topics or life skills such as nutrition given obesity levels in developed nations.

Acne, whilst extremely prevalent, is treatable and sufferers should not just sit back believing they have no control. Do your research, consult a specialist and move forward instead of waiting for the problem to cease which may never occur.

Andrew Johnson has a website with a resource of Acne literature at .

About The Author:
Andrew Johnson has a resource of Acne literature at .
Article Source:

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