Acne is an extremely common skin affliction affecting around 85% of teenagers and young adults as well as a significant proportion of adults.
With a plethora of acne information available, it may also be difficult to establish what is the right treatment and/or medication. In a previous article I suggested that as all of us are individuals, it is likely so to will the treatment for each person’s acne.
Let’s delve a bit further into treatments and medication. In the case of mild or even slightly worse acne, a good preventative and treatment regime if rigorously followed is often found to control the affliction.
However there are obviously sufferers with severe acne where over the counter or non prescription treatments have not had the desired impact. Whilst I would suggest in this instance finding a reputable dermatologist you will likely find that an acne treatment regime still has a place in assisting the overall treatment.
It would be extremely advisable for those prescribed medications for the more severe acne affliction to carefully research the medication prior to commencing. The clear example of this is the medication for “recalcitrant modular acne” being Isotretinoin (marketed as Accutane, Amnesteem, Claravis & Sotret). The US Food and Drug Administration provides significant information in relation to this particular drug however in short it is known to cause birth defects and is being examined in relation to reports of suicide or suicidal thoughts associated with the use of the drug.
A Risk Management program called iPLEDGE in relation to this drug is in place with information and updates available.
The program is ensuring adequate controls are in place in relation to the use of this drug and the important message is “Do not purchase this drug over the internet”.
There are a range of prescribed medications available with those applied to the skin for more mild to moderate cases and oral medications for more severe.
Some of these include:
• Oral antibiotics
• Oral contraceptives
• Azelaic Acid
• Benzoyl peroxide
• Clindamycin
• Erythromycin
• Sodium sulfacetamide
• Tazarotene
• Tretinoin
• Adapalene
The message is still however to do the appropriate research as information on some drugs may change significantly over time.
Whilst medications are vital in the treatment of a significant number of conditions aside from acne, it is always wise to research the medication to allow a balanced approach or weighing up the benefits prior to commencing.
This is obviously extremely clear in the case of the drug Isotretinoin for severe acne.
About the Author:
Andrew Johnson has an online acne resource .
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Thursday, March 29, 2007
Acne Medication - Research of Side Affects
Posted by
infinity Creation Team
7:01 AM
Categories: Acne Medication, Acne Treatment
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Treating Acne with A Laser
Laser treatment for acne is a fairly new technology that involves using a pulsing laser light to rid the skin of acne. Although it is still new compared to other more traditional treatments for acne, millions have already underwent the procedure with excellent results.
Over the counter acne treatments do not work for everyone. Even with the help of a doctor and prescription medication, patients still continue to have trouble with breakouts. This is where the lasers may play a vital role in the fight against acne.
When you mention acne people automatically associate it with teenagers. However acne affects people of all ages, even babies. Acne that you have as a teen may also continue to plague you in later in the form of scars. A sizable percentage of those who have moderate to severe acne outbreaks as a teen will have scars on their skin forever.
The laser treatments focus on the source of most common acne outbreaks. This cause is over production of oil in the glands around the facial area. The laser destroys these glands and disables their ability to produce oil. This treatment doesn't have side effects and is painless. By destroying the cause of the acne you can rest assured that it will not return.
Lasers can also be used to treat scars that were caused by acne. The laser removes the top layer of skin and in effect re-surfaces your skin this re-surfacing will blend it scars and the surrounding tissue.
About the Author:
Tim Grimsley
If treatment is started early enough you can save your skin from a lot of the scarring that can be caused by the acne...CONTINUE
Article Submitted On: October 25, 2006
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Posted by
infinity Creation Team
7:11 AM
Categories: Laser Acne Treatment
Friday, March 23, 2007
Homemade Acne Treatments
Homemade acne treatments are usually considered as a primary remedy for acne. Acne is a skin problem which includes different manifestations such as pimples, white heads, and black heads. The treatment for acne is one of the most searched topics since it will cause permanent scars in the face if left untreated. Most people, especially teenagers, want to get rid of acne as it affects their glamour and attractiveness. Of course, who does not want to become beautiful?
Home made treatments are appreciated for acne since most of the applications are external. The impact studies of the treatment are not necessarily required since it is not consumed internally. Side effects are also less since most of the ingredients are natural items.
Homemade treatments start with careful cleaning of the skin. Rosewater is usually suggested in most of the treatments. Low concentrated alcohol is also suggested in a few treatments for cleaning. Milk and curd are recommended for the cleaning of those affected by dry skin. Cleaning is important in acne treatment because it removes the dirt in the skin and opens up the pores. Oatmeal is used for both cleaning the face and as a face pack for the treatment.
Turmeric is the most popular ingredient in the face pack, which is used in various compositions, according to the nature of the skin. Studies have proven that turmeric has an inherent bactericidal property. In addition, it also acts as a skin nourishment and coloring agent, which fades the scars in the face. In case of oily skin, turmeric is mixed with rosewater to make the paste; where as for dry skin, milk cream or curd is preferred. Turmeric can be mixed with certain medicinal herbs, if the acne is infected. The combination with fresh fruits is also common for acne treatment. Turmeric and lemon juice is one of the most effective combinations.
Fresh fruits and vegetables are used in sliced form or paste form. Citrus fruits, cucumber, tomato and potato are commonly used for the treatment. Cucumber and potato are round sliced and fixed on the face, where as paste form of the fruits is more popular. Grape juice and orange juices are also used in the treatment. Garlic is also commonly used, directly wiping on the face or as a paste.
Honey is another major ingredient in the treatment packs. Honey is either directly applied or mixed with lemon juice. The honey and apple combination is a popular home acne treatment while the leaves of fenugreek and mint are also applied in paste form with honey or with out since both are bactericidal and oxygenic. Multana miti paste is also used in the home acne treatment.
Apart from natural components, vinegar, salt and soda ash are also suggested by some for the acne treatment. However, it is best to formulate a personal formula, by identifying the best from trying out different combinations.
Homemade acne treatments focus to have a regular care for the skin, to make it clean and healthy, and obviously, it will be effective too.
About the Author:
Jason Rickard is the owner of Your Favourite Shop - Offering Self Help CDs - Visit Health Information for more articles.
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Posted by
infinity Creation Team
3:27 AM
Categories: Acne Treatment
Thursday, March 22, 2007
A Review of Laser Acne Treatment
Do you have acne or acne scars? This might be a real confidence-breaker. There is no one that I know of that likes the idea of having to deal with blemishes and zits every day. There are far too many other things to deal with. However, for many youngsters the pangs of pimples are a serious problem that they have to face up to. What is really bad about acne is that it is not going anywhere soon. This awful skin problem has been around for centuries and it still continues to exist today. There is a positive side, though. We have new technologies nowadays and thus there are some innovative ways to tackle the acne issue.
You can find anything from topical creams and gels, oral medications, and even microderm abrasion facial resurfacing. Even though you might have heard or tried all of the above-mentioned contemporary solutions, there are many others you have never even heard about. Laser acne treatment is also a possibility. This is a modern procedure which might not be among the most popular ones but surely deals with acne and acne scars.
What do you know about laser acne treatment? If you visit a dermatologist you might get a laser acne treatment which will help alleviate scarring. Many victims have been grateful for the invention of this high tech new method. I had a friend at school who had a severe form of acne. I guess you all remember those teen years when your delicate skin had zits and blemishes. That friend of mine had it as bad as you can only imagine.
Apart from his face, his back was all covered with bumps, too. Even when he got rid of his acne in few years he still had acne aftermath which is facial scarring. That's the worst thing that acne sufferers have to deal with. When he finally visited a professional to get help, a dermatologist offered him a laser acne treatment. This is how he got rid of these irksome scars and was left with a much smother and radiant complexion.
Do you have irksome acne scars? If the answer is yes, then why not consider a laser acne treatment? This process deals with damaged facial tissue efficiently. Today you can also get a portable laser acne treatment device online. All it takes is to hop online and check the latest deals.
About the Author:
Morgan Hamilton offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning acne. Get the information you are seeking now by visiting Laser Acne Treatment
Submitted: 2006-10-23
Article Source: GoArticles
Posted by
infinity Creation Team
4:09 AM
Categories: Acne Medication, Acne Scars, Acne Treatment, Laser Acne Treatment
Monday, March 19, 2007
Tips To Selecting The Right Acne Medicine
If you suffer from acne, then you are not alone. Every day, people try new acne medicine in the hopes that it will prove to be successful in ridding them of the redness, swelling and discomfort that goes along with the ailment.
The best way to correct this skin problem is to select an acne medicine that carries little or no side effects. Today, many conventional medicines carry side effects that are often worse than the ailment itself. When searching for an acne medicine, whether it be over the counter or prescription, make sure that you understand any potential side effects that may result from it’s use. It may be difficult to reason with an acne medicine designed to rid you of the discomfort and embarrassment of acne when it, itself, carries a possible side effect of irritation and/or a rash.
The best types of acne medicine will be those that are gentle to the skin and perhaps are even designed for sensitive skin. Always look for a product that is simple to use and understand. It should not promise instant results because, quite simply, there is no miracle cure for acne. There are, however, medications that are designed to treat the ailment. As is the case with any treatment, results will take time. When searching for the right acne medicine, look for one that promises realistic results in a realistic timeframe.
If you are seeing a dermatologist and are receiving prescriptions, make sure that your physician/dermatologist is aware of any current or past medical conditions. Certain illnesses, either past or present, may prevent you from being able to safely use some acne medicines. For instance, women who are pregnant or think they may be pregnant, children and the elderly must be very careful about the medications that they are prescribed or use via over the counter purchases.
A final thought to consider with acne medicine is, in some cases, the offer of a guarantee. This symbolizes a company’s belief in their product, which goes a long way in consumer trust. When you do use a product, make sure to use as directed and follow the manufacturer’s guidelines exactly.
This article is to be used for informational purposes only. The information contained herein is not intended to be used in place of, or in conjunction with, professional medical advice regarding the use of acne medicine. Prior to beginning any treatment regimen, the patient must consult a licensed medical doctor or dermatologist for advice and/or to determine the best course of action for his/her individual situation.
About the Author:
Aurel Radulescu
Find more about acne medicine and natural acne medicine including removing acne scar and many other acne treatments.
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Posted by
infinity Creation Team
6:15 AM
Categories: Acne Medication, Acne Treatment
Friday, March 16, 2007
Acne: Solutions to Treating Acne
Bacteria and other microorganisms may cause serious damage to the health of a person. The effects of this may happen internally while some may affect the individual externally.
One of these external problems is a skin disorder better known as Acne. This happens when the body produces excess oils and when mixed with dirt and dust can cause the person to have cysts and or spots of different colors on the face.
Acne affects millions of Americans every year. Almost 80% of all teenagers will experience this, which may also happen in the late 20's or early 30's especially for women.
Doctors are unable to determine the cause of Acne but believe this is related to hormones specifically testosterone. Another interesting factor is heredity so if the parents have this, there is a very strong possibility that the individual also will.
There are two types of Acne and the symptoms developed by the person will tell if this is either inflammatory or non-inflammatory.
First is inflammatory. People who suffer from this will have white heads and pimples that will turn red. In some cases, pustules may also develop and this will spread not only to the face but also to other parts of the body such as the neck, back, chest and groin.
The effects of this type of Acne are very permanent leaving one with scars even after getting treatment. The only way to get rid of it will be through surgery.
Non-inflammatory Acne is more common among patients. This will usually appear in the form of a few whiteheads and blackheads that can be remedied using over the counter medicines.
There are other things that can be recommended to fight Acne. These solutions can be recommended by dermatologists, bought in the supermarket or ordered online.
The person will notice that these solutions usually come in packs. The first part will involve using a renewing cleanser. The individual will need this to exfoliate dead skin cells.
An ingredient known as benzoyl peroxide formula that is an essential part of the Acne solution will then penetrate into the pores and clean the blemishes fast.
The next thing that will be used in the pack is a revitalizing toner. This solution is alcohol free and will help unplug pores, remove dead skin cells and excess oil leaving the skin feeling refreshed. This also uses some botanical agents to give back the user one's natural skin color.
The finishing touch for Acne is a repairing lotion. This is an oil free solution that also contains a little amount of benzoyl peroxide just like in the cleanser. This will heal blackheads and other blemishes, which is designed to prevent Acne from ever happening again.
Before buying the Acne solution pack, its best to check if the individual will have any allergies due to the ingredients used in making the product. Should there be no problem, the person should buy it and apply it using cotton buds to clean the entire face.
The person will usually see the results after two or three weeks use. The results between one individual over another will vary and the user will only know what will happen after trying it.
Acne is a treatable disorder. Finding a remedy early on can eliminate the possibility of having permanent marks on the face.
About the Author:
Article written by Hector Milla, editor of, a website pointing proactive acne solution , thanks for publish this article in your website or ezine keeping a live link.
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Posted by
infinity Creation Team
3:27 AM
Categories: Acne Treatment
Monday, March 12, 2007
Natural Treatment Options For Acne
While many focus upon the biological or medicinal side ofacne, there are many researchers who are trying to see ifthere might be a natural cure to this disease; a diseasewhich effects so many people.
One commonality that these researchers are finding is thatacne, although genetically passed on, can be controlledwith diet. Some scientists may disagree, but we've allheard the old adage, "what you put in is what you get out".This may be true with acne; even in it's most severe forms.
First and foremost, obesity has been thought as a majorfactor contributing to acne. With an obese person, there isan increased activity in the glands of the body, and thisincludes the glands below hair follicles, which produceoil. Losing weight and exercising each and every day mayhelp immensely. This requires no drugs, just self-controland willpower.
Diet is another major concern for naturalists striving fora cure. They are finding that a diet rich in vegetable andfruit helps significantly balance hormones that effectglands. Vegetables and fruit help keep the body inhomeostasis, or in balance.
The intake of fatty foods, such as Trans Fats, or thosemade from animal products (milk based products, i.e.margarine and even vegetable oils), also increases glandactivity in the body. There is a type of oil; however, thatmay be good at fighting against acne.
Omega-3 oils, commonly found in fish and sea animals, isnatural oil that is good for the body, especially for theskin. Other foods that contain oils, sugars, caffeine,carbonization and heavy amounts of salts, should be avoidedat all costs for sufferers of acne.
Zinc, a mineral gaining much popularity in the naturalworld for its medicinal qualities, helps fight the cloggingof pores that leads to acne. In the form of gluconate orsulfate, it helps the skin heal blemishes and helps tobalance hormonal activity.
Zinc has recently been found to be as effective asprescription strength tetracycline. Other vitamins,including vitamin A and B6 may help substantially inhormonal balance, resulting in clearer, healthier skin.
In any case, the positive effects seen from the uses ofnatural medications and a proper diet cannot be ignored.Even when compared to synthetic treatment options, naturalhealing with vitamins and minerals may help even the mostsevere cases.
About the Author:
Steve Williams is a freelance writer, who suffered acne for many years. His research into prevention and acne cures have helped him, and other fellow sufferers. Discover useful advice and information about the causes and prevention of acne. Website contains useful articles and updated information on this nasty skin condition. Click ==>
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Posted by
infinity Creation Team
7:02 AM
Categories: Acne and Mineral, Acne and Vitamin, Acne Treatment
Friday, March 09, 2007
Can Acne Outbreak and Cigarette Smoking Go Hand In Hand
Acne is a short battle, sometimes long drawn out. Smoking is a long drawn battle, sometimes the never-ending battle!
But with the combo of these two, you are only waging a permanent battle against your own self. You are fighting a war of self-destruction.
Well, acne is a bad condition for the skin. It is the eruption of the inner impurities. It is the expulsion of the unwanted stuff by the body mechanism. When body is already making sincere efforts to throw out the unwanted stuff with in, you are continuing with your damaging exercise by pumping in more nicotine-based impurities into your system.
Not surprisingly, acne and smoking have many common conditions due to which they arrive and thrive. Now the question arises, is smoking directly responsible for acne conditions? The answer is in the affirmative.
With smoking you introduce certain chemicals into the body. These chemicals have a direct bearing on the blood circulation to skin cells. The skin's ability to heal and regenerate is blocked. The toxins released in cigarette smoke results in pores getting clogged, and this promotes bacterial growth in the pores. All these negative factors contribute to growth of skin eruptions in the form of acne, zits and pimples.
In post pubescent breakouts of acne, stress is considered as one of the major factors. Herein knowing this proven fact, you can say that stress, headache, acne and smoking make a musical chair of diseases. All these diseases are so closely interrelated after all.
Think over. You smoke because you wish to come out of the situation of stress. Does smoking relieve the stress permanently? Does it even do it temporarily? No. Rather it adds one more layer to the load of your stress. And you may even experience severe headache.
When you face a stressful situation the brain alerts the central nervous system which on its part, sends signals to all parts of the body. As part of this fight response, hormonal release from the adrenal glands results. Sebaceous glands release fatty secretions. These two conditions cause clogging of the pores that can contribute acne outbreaks.
Understand this. Acne is a bad condition of your skin and that of your health. Smoking in such a condition, is just like adding fuel to the fire. It will create further stressful conditions and extend a cordial invitation to the headache. All in all, you need to give up smoking when you have the outbreak of acne.
About the Author:
Javiern Fuller
To get more information on acne, acne treatments and acne medication visit
Article Submitted On: October 30, 2006
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Posted by
infinity Creation Team
2:47 AM
Categories: Acne Control, Acne Prevention
Thursday, March 01, 2007
What Really Causes Acne?
The cause of acne is hard to pinpoint because acne is not caused by just one factor. It occurs in different people for many different reasons. This makes finding an effective acne treatment tricky for a lot of people. Once you find out what the root problem or cause of your particular type of acne is, finding an effective acne treatment will be easier for you. Factors like diet, stress, heredity, and dirt are believed to be causes of acne, but this is actually incorrect.
Acne vulgaris is the most common type of acne, and it normally occurs when puberty begins in a person. The exact cause of this type of acne is unknown, but there are factors that are believed to be directly related. At puberty, increased hormonal activity and high levels of androgens, cause the sebaceous glands or oil glands to overproduce sebum, or oil. This causes the cells that are close to the openings of the oil glands to get blocked or clogged. Bacteria in the skin feast on the oil, and this causes the skin to be inflamed. When the inflammation is near the surface, that’s when pimples, blackheads, and whiteheads appear. This type of acne usually goes away on its own.
Acne excoriee is a type of acne that is usually found in young girls. It is caused when a pimple on the skin is damaged due to scratching. When scratching persists, the pimple is unable to heal, leaving a scar. Another type of acne is acne cosmetica, which is due to prolonged use of topical make-up products and usually consists of small bumps and inflammation on the forehead, chin, and cheeks. Acne treatment of this type of acne would just be to figure out which cosmetic products is the cause of the acne and discontinue the use of it.
Cystic acne is a type of acne caused by cysts being formed deep under the skin instead of near the surface. When this happens, the infect matter cannot be released. For acne treatment of this type of the condition, a dermatologist should be seen as soon as possible. Occupational acne occurs when the skin is exposed to grease and oils very frequently. This condition is suffered mostly by auto mechanics. Another type of acne is suffered because of a climate change. When a person moves from a cool climate to a warm climate, the skin has to produce more sweat and oil all of a sudden to keep the body cool. This causes the pores to clog which can cause breakout. A helpful acne treatment for this type of the condition would just be to switch your facial cleanser and moisturizer to oil-free products.
As you can see, acne does not come from one factor, so acne treatment will differ depending on what type of acne that you have. So the first step in finding an effective acne treatment would be to understand what is causing your acne. Acne treatment may be as simple as changing what you are exposing your skin to, or changing your skin cleanser to one without oil. It is always a good idea to check with your dermatologist before trying any system to get rid of your acne.
For more information, visit my acne treatment blog at
For more helpful information, visit my acne treatment blog.
About the Author:
Desiree Harris
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Posted by
infinity Creation Team
3:09 AM
Categories: Acne Treatment