Friday, March 09, 2007

Can Acne Outbreak and Cigarette Smoking Go Hand In Hand

Acne is a short battle, sometimes long drawn out. Smoking is a long drawn battle, sometimes the never-ending battle!

But with the combo of these two, you are only waging a permanent battle against your own self. You are fighting a war of self-destruction.

Well, acne is a bad condition for the skin. It is the eruption of the inner impurities. It is the expulsion of the unwanted stuff by the body mechanism. When body is already making sincere efforts to throw out the unwanted stuff with in, you are continuing with your damaging exercise by pumping in more nicotine-based impurities into your system.

Not surprisingly, acne and smoking have many common conditions due to which they arrive and thrive. Now the question arises, is smoking directly responsible for acne conditions? The answer is in the affirmative.

With smoking you introduce certain chemicals into the body. These chemicals have a direct bearing on the blood circulation to skin cells. The skin's ability to heal and regenerate is blocked. The toxins released in cigarette smoke results in pores getting clogged, and this promotes bacterial growth in the pores. All these negative factors contribute to growth of skin eruptions in the form of acne, zits and pimples.

In post pubescent breakouts of acne, stress is considered as one of the major factors. Herein knowing this proven fact, you can say that stress, headache, acne and smoking make a musical chair of diseases. All these diseases are so closely interrelated after all.

Think over. You smoke because you wish to come out of the situation of stress. Does smoking relieve the stress permanently? Does it even do it temporarily? No. Rather it adds one more layer to the load of your stress. And you may even experience severe headache.

When you face a stressful situation the brain alerts the central nervous system which on its part, sends signals to all parts of the body. As part of this fight response, hormonal release from the adrenal glands results. Sebaceous glands release fatty secretions. These two conditions cause clogging of the pores that can contribute acne outbreaks.

Understand this. Acne is a bad condition of your skin and that of your health. Smoking in such a condition, is just like adding fuel to the fire. It will create further stressful conditions and extend a cordial invitation to the headache. All in all, you need to give up smoking when you have the outbreak of acne.

About the Author:
Javiern Fuller
To get more information on acne, acne treatments and acne medication visit
Article Submitted On: October 30, 2006
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