Friday, May 04, 2007

Your Acne Rosacea Skin Care Is Connected With Your PH Balance

It really starts from the inside. By making sure your ph balance stays in range, you can take full control of your acne rosacea skin care. The start of acne rosacea comes from the acid accumulation within the body. And if it is not eliminated probably from your body, then the acid sits there and builds up within the body. And this acid build-up is what causes sickness, disease, acne, rosacea, etc. If you start watching your ph balance in the foods you eat and drink, this can help greatly in controlling your acne rosacea.

The ph scale range is between 0 to 14. The higher the ph, the more alkaline the food and/or drink is which is very good. The lower the ph, the more concern you should have in what you are eating. Food and drink with a low ph are just not good for you. Your ph balance should always stay more on the alkaline side between 7.35 and 7.45. This is neutral and very normal. A good rule to follow is, you should eat only 20% of acid forming foods and drinks and 80% of alkaline forming foods and drinks daily. Food and drink with more alkaline is very good. The 20% and 80% is considered to be a good balance in your diet when you are watching your ph balance.

Work on neutralizing your overall acid in your body. You need to learn how to do this so you can change your diet. Lots of water is very good. Water is alkalined with a ph of 7.3. Start drinking 8 glasses of water per day. Fresh fruits and vegetables have a ph of 7.0 and higher. Any ph below 7.0 is not the best and should be eaten at low levels. Some foods and drinks below 7.0 are: beef(5.0), sugar-white(5.0), pasta(5.0), coffee(2.2,sorry I like coffee too), beer(2.0), wine(3.0), vodka(4.0), soda(2.0), etc. You get the picture.

If you decide to change your diet, you will start to see amazing positive results in your acne rosacea skin care. If you do pursue with this, then start out slowly and gradually. This way, you will be easing into this new diet.

In order to start testing the acid and the alkaline within your body, go to your pharmacy/drug store and purchase some ph paper strips. The ph paper strips will help you measure the ph within your body. The ph strips will definitely let you know if you are eating right or not.

Monitoring your ph balance and changing your diet will keep your system clean and eliminate waste more quickly from your body. The longer the waste remains there inside your body, the more acid build up and then you have sickness and all kinds of health problems that come along. You do not want this. Start from the inside and this will help tremendously in your acne rosacea skin care. Alright, let's get started.

About the Author:
Carmen VJ is a writer, lecturer and researcher. Her main goal is to bring to you great resources and info that will always be beneficial to you. Knowledge is Power. There are always great solutions to your acne rosacea skin care. You can also grab a detailed listing of acid and alkaline forming foods.
Article Submitted On: October 30, 2006
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Thursday, May 03, 2007

Top Eight Tips to Get a Radiant Skin!

Young, fresh, healthy and radiant! Whether you are sixteen or sixty, this is how you want your skin to be. How do you seek to achieve your objectives? Do you propose to get the best skin care products? Or are you aiming for costly medications? Put it on hold for now. You could improve the texture of your skin through natural skin care.

Before going to free tips for skin care beauty?, learn your skin type. The type of your skin could be normal, dry, oily, sensitive or combination. Your friends may insist that people with normal skin are the ‘lucky’ ones. But, it doesn’t mean that they should absolutely ignore their skin. Remember that natural skin care methods could go a long way in improving your skin. Now, let us go through the following free skin care tips:

Tip #1: Cleanse Your Skin

Do you apply heavy makeup when leaving for work? Then, don’t forget to remove the makeup after you return from the workplace. Your exposure to wind, sun, pollutions and even air conditioning could block the pores of your skin. You don’t have to run to the beautician to clean your skin. Just dip a piece of cotton wool in the milk and wipe your skin. You could also dip the cotton wool in almond oil and clean the skin under your eyes.

Tip #2: Eat Healthy Food

Chocolate, candies, French fries and Pizzas! As delicious as they are, these food items are deemed to be the enemies of your skin. They could cause blemishes and make your skin oily. It is hard to digest the fact, but reduce the intake of these delicacies for the betterment of your skin.

Tip #3: Exercise Regularly

The tasteless water could very well help in improving your complexion. Eight glasses of water along with regular exercise could have a positive impact on your complexion. What kind of exercises? Walking, running, jogging or even engaging in sports could have the desired effect on your skin.

Tip #4: Replace Your Dead Skin Cells

Don’t ignore dead skin cells. Note that you have to exfoliate at least twice a week to replace your dead skin cells. Do you have broken capillaries? In that case, care should be taken before exfoliating.

Tip #5: Reduce Exposure to the Sun

Is it possible to escape the ill effects of hot sun? Exposure to the sun could leave your skin with blotches and premature wrinkles. Do you have to go out between 10: am and 3: pm? In that case, wear sun glasses and wide rimmed hats to prevent direct exposure to the sun.

Tip #6: Use Natural Moisturizer

Is your environment surrounded by pollutants and dust? Then, it would be better for you to use a natural moisturizer. These moisturizers can protect and hydrate your skin. How do you prepare a nourishing mask at home? Blend white cosmetic clay with mashed banana and apply on your face. Wash after a few minutes.

Tip #7: Avoid Excessive Use of Cosmetics

Excessive use of cosmetics could have an adverse effect on your skin and health. People remain unaware that most of the cosmetics contain dangerous chemicals like parabens, thus paving way for cancer. If not cancer, these chemicals could cause serious allergies. So, it is better to minimize the excessive use of cosmetics.

Tip #8: Maintain Healthy Lifestyle

Are you addicted to alcohol and cigarettes? Then, you are sure to get all kinds of skin problems. Wrinkles and blotches may find haven in your skin. Stay away from alcohol and cigarettes if you want healthy skin. Try to stay cool, so as to avoid fatigue and stress.

Taking care of your skin is hardly a difficult process. Healthy lifestyle with proactive skin care could leave the right impact on your skin. Care for your skin and it would never betray you.

About the Author:
Felicia adams is a site that offers comprehensive details on various topics including best skin care products, cleansing skin care, free tips for skin care beauty and many more.
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Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Where Can I Find An Effective Acne Treatment?

That question is asked daily by teenagers and adults suffering from the common condition. Acne is defined as an inflammatory disease of the sebaceous glands (oil glands) and hair follicles of the skin. It is most characterized by blackheads or whiteheads, better known as pimples or zits. Acne causes many negative social and emotional effects for the people afflicted with it. For this reason, an acne treatment that works is a very dire need for the sufferers of the condition.

You can go into any store and find an acne product that claims to clear acne. Some may actually help but few actually deliver on their many promises to be an effective acne treatment. One reason for this is because there is actually many forms of acne, so one treatment may work for one person and not for another person.

There are quite a few different types of acne, but the most common form is acne vulgaris. Acne vulgaris normally begins at puberty, and is created by over-active oil and sweat glands. The hair follicles become trapped and clogged with excess fluid, which cause blackheads or pimples.

The different types of acne make it hard to find an effective acne treatment. It is recommended that you first see a dermatologist to find out what type of acne that you have or what exactly is causing it. Once you find the cause, like over-active oil glands, finding an effective cleanser for oily skin may clear your acne. Most acne actually goes away on its own, and water can be you best help in clearing acne.

When looking for an acne treatment, be very careful. Most treatments include very harsh ingredients that dry out your skin and may cause more damage than help for some people. There are some products out there that have given have given very good results, like Proactive or Accutane, though they also contain harsh ingredients.

An acne natural treatment or acne home remedy might be the best choice for some people. A lot of people claim that they have cured themselves of acne using an acne home remedy, and some people say that it doesn’t work for them. There are countless sources and recipes that you can find for an acne natural treatment just by doing a search on the internet.

Finding an effective acne treatment doesn’t have to be a daunting task. Find out what the cause of your acne is, and then you can find the acne treatment that is best for your skin. Trying every product in a store probably isn’t a good idea. Increase your water intake, get a good cleanser for oily skin, try an acne home remedy and give it some time. If acne persists, see your dermatologist for acne best treatment.

For more information visit my site on acne treatment.

For more helpful information, visit my acne treatment blog.

About the Author:
Desiree Harris
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Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Treating Your Acne Scars

Perhaps one of the most difficult effects of acne is the physical scarring it can leave behind. Even the mildest form of acne can scar, but the more severe types can leave very visible scars that won't go away on their own. There are things you can do to try to avoid these scars, like properly cleansing your skin, or refraining from popping zits, as this can cause scarring, but this doesn't mean scars won't develop. This is especially true in more severe types of acne where the lesions are on the skin for longer periods of time than in milder forms. In cystic acne, the nodules or cysts can stay on the skin for weeks, or even months, and can leave behind very noticeable scars.

There are different types of acne scars, and different treatments for each. They are classified in the following manner.

Ice pick scars are characterized by the appearance of deep pits on the skin and are most common in a sign of classic acne scarring.

Boxcar scars are angular scars, usually occurring on the temple and cheeks, and can be superficial or deep. They are also very similar to the scars left by Chickenpox.

Rolling scars give the skin a wave-like appearance.

Hypertrophic scars are thickened scars, and may be associated with some of the more severe types of acne.

To get rid of acne scars, seek treatment through a physician. A combination of treatments are available that show good results for many people. Treatment for acne scarring depends on the type of scars you have, as well as your skin type. Most of the success of treating acne scars has been for those on the face. It has been found that those on the back and chest do not respond as well to treatment.

One of the best ways to prevent acne scarring is to prevent acne. Taking steps to fight and prevent this condition will minimize the chance for scarring. Also treating the acne you do have as quickly as possible after it appears can help prevent acne scars.

It is also advisable to seek the help of a physician when you aren't sure how to best treat your acne or its scars. Some scar treatment requires medical attention, and a doctor can help you find the treatment that will work best for you.

Understanding your skin type, type of acne, and type of scarring associated with it is also important. If you treat your particular type of acne from the onset, thereby, also working to prevent additional breakouts and problems, you can prevent the formation of deep, lasting scars. In some cases the scar can be removed by laser treatment, but this is only in more serious cases where the scars are deep.

And last but not least, soft tissue augmentation is something to think about as well. This type of treatment will help to correct the loss of skin cells due to acne scarring, making the skin appear and feel smoother and healthier. It will also help to rid of any remaining acne scars that may be visible.

Understanding your problem will help you work toward a solution.

About the Author:
Bjorn Gutter writes articles on health related subjects. Visit his acne treatment tips website on acne treatment
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