Mild Acne is quite common and persists for differentamounts of time for different people. This can be due tovarying environmental or genetic factors, or a combinationof both.
Mild acne usually consists of minor breakouts ofwhiteheads, blackheads, pimples and zits. While thesebreakouts don't persist for extended periods of time, theycan be painfully uncomfortable or irritating to the skin,especially the skin on the face and forehead.
For any type of skin problem, it's best to consult with adermatologist for advice. She or he will be able toidentify exactly the type of acne you have, its degree ofseverity, and the type medication that you might choose touse.
However, with mild acne, it's often recommended to startfirst by using a topical cream. Commonly, this can bebought without a prescription over the counter (OTC).
Topical creams are rubbed in over the affected skin area.Used nearly two or three times per day, along with properwashing and rinsing, it's effective against minor cases ofacne. But, you need to be sure and give the medicine six oreight weeks, even if the acne has subsided, before you stopusing it.
In the beginning of use, even OTC medicines may cause yousome minor burning or irritation. Most OTC skin creams ofthis nature take anywhere from a week or two to get used to(or, for the slight burning or irritation to stop).
There are many types of medicines available. As mentioned,it's important to consult with a doctor or dermatologistbefore starting your own treatment regimen, even if thecreams or medications are available OTC. In any case,benzyl peroxide, resorcinol, salicylic acid, and sulfur arecommonly used to treat minor cases of acne.
Benzyl peroxide will help lower the oil production in yourfacial skin glands. Resorcinol, salicylic acid and sulfurare effective against eliminating whiteheads and blackheadsSalicylic acid also helps cut down the shedding of cells,which prevents pores from getting overly clogged or pluggedwith residue. Topical creams can come in the form of adaily lotion or gel, oil-free creams and soaps.
Again, remember that it can take some time before you startto see (or even feel) the benefits of such medications.There are other alternatives as minor acne isn't as much ofa nuisance as other, more extreme cases.
In any regard, be sure to follow your plan for severalweeks, otherwise the acne may not clear up completely. And,if the problem persists, simply work out another treatmentoption with your doctor or dermatologist.
About the Author:
Steve Williams is a freelance writer, who suffered acne for many years. His research into prevention and acne cures have helped him, and other fellow sufferers. Discover useful advice and information about the causes and prevention of acne. Website contains useful articles and updated information on this nasty skin condition. Click ==>
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