Monday, January 01, 2007

Acne Info 101

If you think you're alone in the struggle to ward off acne,don't fret. It seems that while not everyone suffers fromit severely, many-around 85% of people, go through it atsome point in their life.

Breakouts vary from person to person. So, instead of givingup, get educated! Here are some tips that you can use toclean up and eventually clear up that beautiful skin!

The skin, being the body's largest organ, is alwaysmending, growing and changing to fit our needs and to keepus healthy. In a way, it's a type of bio-shell, surroundingyou and growing with you. In fact, you shed dead skin cellsconstantly. This constant loss means that about every sevenyears, your skin has completely molted itself in itsentirety.

So, your skin maintains itself with proper cell functionand reproduction. In order for you to maintain thisdelicate balance, you need to be sure to wash your facedaily.

To all intents and purposes, you should actually wash withsoap and rinse well two or more times per day. Rinsingthoroughly is probably the most important step, even ifsoap is not available, especially after intense exercise.

Moreover, another way to take care of the skin on yourface, neck, back and shoulders is to be sure that you washyour hair frequently. You hair releases oils constantly.This oil naturally glides down the forehead onto the face,and from the neck onto the back. This is a real concernduring humid weather and elevated outdoor temperatures.

Men really need to experiment when shaving. Using anelectric razor or a razor with shaving cream can affect theskin. Find out which is the better option for you. Be sureto keep your razors clean, lather-up well and use qualityshaving cream and/or soap.

In the same fashion, women who wear makeup also need to becareful not to use products that irritate the skin. If youare undergoing acne treatment, especially with topicalproducts, makeup might actually irritate the more. If youstill feel the need to use facial products duringtreatment, be sure to use noncomedogenic (oil free)products.

About the Author:
Steve Williams is a freelance writer, who suffered acne for many years. His research into prevention and acne cures have helped him, and other fellow sufferers. Discover useful advice and information about the causes and prevention of acne. Website contains useful articles and updated information on this nasty skin condition. Click ==>
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