In the scientific community, there are many smart people. Dermatologists have studied extensively and were once rated one of the smartest people in their class. So why is it that the smartest people society has to offer have failed to find a cure for a seemingly easy disease called acne?
There are many conspiracy theories such as 'the pharmaceutical companies want to keep selling their products to sufferers on an on-going basis' but I digress. The main reason that the cure has not been found is because the scientific community is characterizing acne as the whole disease and not as a symptom of something much bigger. The overall Western health system is based on treating the symptoms instead of the actual root of the problem, which is an unhealthy body.
Imagine a lake with an insect problem. Huge numbers of insects are ravaging the lake and the Western medical world decides to dump a bunch of pesticide all over the lake. Of course, this pesticide will kill a lot of the bugs for the first year. Unfortunately, the second year, the bugs will develop an immunity to the pesticide and come back even stronger. So what happens? The western world decides to dump even more pesticide, and this time a slightly different one that is more powerful. Once again, all the insects die. However, the lake is highly contaminated with massive amounts of pesticide. Two years later, the insects develop a resistance and come back stronger than ever, completely taking over the lake which has otherwise been killed by pesticides. This is the western way of applying creams and taking antibiotics.
Now imagine that instead of applying all these pesticides, we introduced a pump in the water, or opened up the lake to a nearby stream so it could have some circulating water. The stagnant water would disappear, the insects would naturally subside over a few years and the balance of the lake would return. Now, the lake would be healthy, permanently.
This is how treating acne by concentrating on the source of the problem works, but unfortunately none of this is being done in North America. The result is that North Americans will forever have a temporary solution which poisons their body instead of making it a healthier place. That's ok, because acne ridden individuals will be less likely to produce offspring and the law of natural selection will eventually weed them out.
Upcoming discussion about the power of foods for acne
About The Author:
Eric Lancheres, B.Sc Environmental science, writes for the world's largest acne home remedy site. He also runs a multi-million dollar company and discusses his triumphs and perils in the business section.
Submitted: 2006-10-26
Article Source: GoArticles
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